3air launches new blockchain platform to connect the unconnected and bank the unbanked

Internet connectivity and banking services are important for every aspect of modern life. Unfortunately, Sub-Saharan Africa does not have widespread access to these kinds of services. 3air, a company working to provide connectivity and DeFi banking solutions to even the most remote parts of Africa, will supply these services with the SKALE blockchain. This blockchain has exceptionally low gas fees and quick transfer rates, and accompanied by proven wireless technology centers, 3air can onboard millions of African users onto web3 and empower them in the global economy by doing so.

Internet access in Sub-Saharan Africa is exceptionally sparse. Rapid urbanization and development without a plan for improving internet infrastructure have left many parts of Africa behind. Wireless connectivity answers these issues, but the current infrastructure is severely outdated. While 73 out of 100 people in Sub-Saharan Africa have mobile subscriptions, only 20% of those provide internet connection, as most mobile towers are 2G or 3G models. No crypto-based solution can work when internet access is so incredibly sparse.

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However, 3air isn’t planning on only providing a blockchain for banking services. Using K3 Telecom’s proven Last Mile technology, the company will install centers across Sub-Saharan Africa to provide internet access to all corners of the continent. The technology has a huge range of 50km and can provide speeds of up to 1GBPS wirelessly. This hardware is already widely used; it’s been deployed in nine countries and three continents. These centers can be installed anywhere with full confidence that they will function completely as intended.

Installing the centers is only the first part. 3air will then provide subscription services through NFTs. This subscription style, through the use of NFTs, will give users extra flexibility and freedom to use their money as they see fit. NFTs can be transferred between users or between a user and someone looking to start. If the service is no longer desired, and the user has nobody to transfer the token to, they can sell it on a decentralized market. The company’s tokens are community tokens, allowing its customers to vote on what services and updates to work on next. All of these features aim to empower Sub-Saharan Africans while also connecting them to the global economy.

Connecting Africans to the economy isn’t enough for 3air, however. Banking services are nearly required to use the internet to its fullest extent truly. Online payments, bank accounts, loans, and business knowledge are all required to use the internet. 57% of Africans do not have any form of banking, meaning these services are impossible for most customers to receive. The company will use its blockchain to provide microfinance to its users. Microloans, crypto wallets, and financial education are all services the company will provide. In addition, 3air will offer on-the-ground and online learning sources to onboard users fully onto web3.

While these services are all possible through the use of blockchains and NFTs, not every blockchain is viable. Processing, or gas fees, can become exorbitantly high on some blockchains, which is in itself a barrier to accessibility. With SKALE, 3air can bypass these problems, providing its services without barriers for customers. SKALE is designed to have low gas fees and high throughput while also being completely scalable; perfect for rolling out internet and banking services across an entire continent.

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