6 Questions for 20-year-old Sellix founder Daniele Servadei

Daniele Servadei, the 20-year-old founder of payments firm Sellix, spoke to Cointelegraph about his experience in the cryptocurrency industry.

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Daniele Servadei is only 20-years-old, but he’s also the mastermind behind Sellix, a two-year-old e-commerce platform that helps businesses around the globe streamline the process of accepting cryptocurrency payments.

Launched by Servadei from his home in Reggio Emilia, Italy in November 2021, Sellix supports payments made using traditional fiat and more than 25 cryptocurrencies. It has processed more than $100 million in payments worldwide to date, by Servadei’s estimates, for more than 3,000 clients in about three dozen countries.

Cointelegraph spoke with Servadei who is also currently attending the University of Parma for a degree in computer science to ask about his work and his views on the future of the industry. “Building a company is 1,000 times more difficult than working with cryptocurrency,” Servadei noted. “Trying to balance my life, my company, going to school at the time it has not been easy.”

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