The hidden dangers of CBDCs for central banks

As the world accelerates towards a cashless society, central banks globally are gearing up to introduce their own retail central bank digital currencies, commonly referred to as CBDCs.

These digital tokens hold the promise of multiple benefits compared to traditional cash. However, there are undeniable risks and potential pitfalls that could jeopardize the integrity of the very institutions that create them.

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Advancements and intricacies of CBDCs

The evolution of digital currencies presents opportunities and challenges for central banks, notably in striking a balance between enabling innovative CBDC-based retail transactions and not superseding private payments entirely.

Traditionally envisioned as a direct digital substitute for cash, CBDCs now hold the potential for being engineered for distinct purposes.

Reports from financial authorities such as the Monetary Authority of Singapore illustrate the concept of “purpose-bound money.” CBDCs could be designated for particular uses, such as spending within a specific timeframe or at certain retailers.

This functionality introduces potential benefits for economic policy. For instance, government stimulus payments could be designed to expire, encouraging recipients to spend rather than save, thus enhancing the economic impact.

With the disappearance of cash, further options surface, such as the implementation of negative nominal interest rates to discourage saving and promote spending during severe economic downturns.

The programmable features of CBDCs also lend themselves to enabling more complex financial arrangements where funds are automatically released when all contractual obligations are met.

While these innovations present exciting avenues for improving economic and societal functionality, they also cast shadows of risk. A hallmark of cash is its anonymous nature and nominal stability.

However, the introduction of distinct units of central bank money could potentially lead to secondary markets where these units are traded at different values, disturbing the monetary equilibrium.

Moreover, the perception of CBDCs as being safer than commercial bank deposits, due to the unfailing nature of central banks, could trigger a large-scale shift of funds into CBDC wallets.

This could severely deplete bank deposits, placing central banks in an uncomfortable position of making credit allocation decisions.

Mitigating the risks

Several measures can potentially mitigate these risks. Cryptographic tools could control CBDC usage while maintaining privacy for smaller transactions.

Caps on CBDC digital wallet balances could deter deposit flight from banks. Legislative barriers could safeguard central banks from becoming too intertwined with government operations.

However, these innovations also carry nuanced dangers. Central banks may be seen as political agents if their oversight of payment transactions is used for surveillance or law enforcement.

Moreover, a significant shift of savings from commercial banks to central banks during financial crises could potentially disrupt the banking sector.

Even more alarming, governments could use CBDCs as a tool to further their social objectives, limiting the use of digital money for certain products or services deemed socially undesirable.

The emergence of CBDCs brings both immense potential and profound risks. The more functionality these digital currencies possess, the greater the political pressures central banks could face, threatening their independence, credibility, and legitimacy.

As we stand on the brink of this digital money revolution, central banks must carefully navigate the line between innovation and risk.

It would indeed be an unfortunate twist of fate if the digitization of central bank money, intended to preserve its relevance, ends up eroding the very features that make it trustworthy.

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