Bitcoin Gold Finally releases statement on SCAM

Bitcoin Gold have finally released a statement regarding the MYBTGWALLET scam. The team behind bitcoin gold address several key points. is an informational community website for the Bitcoin Gold open source project. We do not hold user funds. We work hard to fairly promote all third-party developers in the crypto community – large or small, established or new. All mining pools, explorers, wallets, and exchanges that announce their support of BTG and request to be listed are given an opportunity to freely promote their services to the community. Also in the interest of fairness, we share the news of new providers via social media, with retweets, shares, etc. Neither these actions nor listing on the site should be taken as endorsements of third parties. We cannot attest that they are currently safe nor that they always will be safe. When we receive verifiable reports that a website or app is a problem, we remove it from our site. We have voluntarily been looking into issues around a particular third-party provider previously listed on our site. Preliminary investigations indicated that at least some of the claims of theft by the mybtgwallet site are reliable. Like all third-party sites, that site was not in our control, but we immediately removed it from our pages. The team is working with security experts to get to the bottom of this issue. It appears the mybtgwallet online wallet site was modified by unknown parties long after it was originally published. We are closely following the ongoing investigation and expect all findings to be disclosed to the public as soon as it is appropriate to do so. The team will continue to cooperate in every way possible and work tirelessly in hopes of getting to the root of what happened. What does everyone think?

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