Gemini accuses Genesis of vote manipulation in FTX dispute

It’s heating up in the world of cryptocurrency as Gemini launches a pointed accusation against Genesis, alleging vote manipulation concerning a proposed settlement with FTX.

In what is turning into a complicated financial skirmish, one of the industry’s most recognized names, Gemini, is making no bones about their suspicions regarding the integrity of voting processes and the true intentions behind them.

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A Complicated Web of Accusations

Gemini’s contention revolves around the belief that Genesis is struggling to gather genuine support from actual creditors. Instead, in their view, Genesis seems to be seeking affirmation from unlikely allies, a move that raises eyebrows and questions about the legitimacy of their actions.

A particularly stinging critique came from Gemini’s legal team, who hinted at underhanded tactics, suggesting that Genesis was courting the estate of a notorious industry fraudster to gain an advantageous vote.

However, the skepticism isn’t limited to Gemini. The Fair Deal Group, a collective of unsecured creditors, has also stepped into the ring, echoing similar sentiments.

They’re making it clear that the proposed settlement with FTX does not sit well with them. Their assertion is that the settlement is being foisted upon creditors, even amidst overwhelming disapproval.

FTX and Alameda, two prominent names in the dispute, are eyeing a significantly diminished claim of $175 million from the Genesis estate. This amount is a mere fraction of the whopping $4 billion they had initially set their sights on.

The dramatic reduction adds another layer of intrigue to the proceedings.

Unraveling the Deal’s Nuances

Further complicating matters, both Gemini and the Fair Deal Group made their respective filings post an objection by the Ad Hoc Group of Genesis Lenders. This objection was against the FTX bankruptcy plan, pointing fingers at FTX debtors for supposedly exaggerating their claims.

Last Wednesday saw Gemini expressing reservations about the principle agreement brokered between Genesis and DCG. Their chief complaint was the vagueness of the deal, emphasizing its lack of specific details.

They went on to suggest that if this agreement were to be incorporated into a plan, it would be heading nowhere fast. The main bone of contention here is the perceived leniency shown to DCG, letting them off the hook for far less than they owe.

Shedding light on the financial intricacies of the case, both DCG and Genesis recently publicized a preliminary agreement. Under this arrangement, DCG is expected to settle its existing financial obligations.

This includes an overdue unsecured loan amounting to approximately $630 million, set to be cleared back in May, and a looming $1.1 billion promissory note that matures in 2032.

The repayment blueprint outlines a two-part system: $328 million due in a couple of years, with an additional $830 million slated for payment within the next seven.

Personal Legal Feuds Add Fuel to the Fire

Further muddying the waters is an ongoing legal duel between heavyweights Gemini and DCG, along with key industry figures like CEO Barry Silbert and the Winklevoss twins.

The core of this feud is a serious allegation, with Gemini and the Winklevoss twins suggesting that DCG and Silbert conspired in a fraudulent plan to deceive a range of depositors, some of whom were Gemini’s own clientele.

On their end, DCG is pushing back, vehemently denying all charges and recently moving to have the lawsuit thrown out, citing numerous inaccuracies.

As the flames of this feud continue to burn brightly, there’s been no word from Genesis or their legal representatives, leaving everyone in suspense about their next move.

The stage is set for a gripping showdown, with the industry watching keenly as events unfold. What is certain is that with these giants at loggerheads, the ramifications will reverberate throughout the crypto world.

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