Testcontainers Desktop to Become a Game-Changer for Investigations and Debugging

In the dynamic landscape of software development, efficient testing, and debugging are crucial for delivering high-quality products. AtomicJar, known for its innovative solutions in the testing arena, has unveiled Testcontainers Desktop, a groundbreaking application that takes unit testing to the next level. With its comprehensive feature set, this tool promises to simplify the testing process, streamline investigations, and enhance debugging capabilities, ultimately benefiting developers and QA teams worldwide.

Empowering testcontainers: A leap in unit testing

Testcontainers Desktop builds upon the foundation of Testcontainers, an open-source framework that allows developers to use real dependencies in their unit tests. While Testcontainers offers significant advantages, Testcontainers Desktop takes it a step further by introducing several game-changing features and improvements. Let’s delve into what makes this tool a must-have for your testing arsenal.

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Fixed ports for containers: A debugging boon

One of the standout features of Testcontainers Desktop is its support for fixed ports for containers. Unlike Testcontainers, which typically assigns random ports to containers, Testcontainers Desktop lets developers specify fixed ports. This feature proves invaluable when debugging applications, especially when using integrated development environments (IDEs) like IntelliJ. Fixed ports simplify the process of connecting to containers and tracing issues, making debugging more efficient and less error-prone.

Freeze and reuse containers: Investigate without interruption

Another game-changing feature is the ability to freeze containers. This functionality prevents containers from shutting down, effectively allowing tests to run indefinitely. When an issue arises, developers can pause the test execution, investigate the problem thoroughly, and debug at their own pace. Once the analysis is complete, the freeze can be lifted, and the test execution will continue as usual, benefiting from the default cleanup logic of Testcontainers. This approach provides developers with greater control during investigations, ultimately leading to more effective debugging and issue resolution.

Switching container runtimes: flexibility at your fingertips

Testcontainers Desktop doesn’t stop at improved debugging and investigation capabilities—it also offers flexibility in choosing container runtimes. Developers can effortlessly switch between container runtimes, adapting to their specific needs and preferences. Whether it’s OrbStack, Colima, Rancher Desktop, or Podman, Testcontainers Desktop supports a variety of container runtime solutions, making it adaptable to diverse development environments.

From testcontainers to testcontainers desktop: A brief evolution

The journey to Testcontainers Desktop began with AtomicJar’s introduction of Testcontainers Cloud in November 2021, which enabled teams to run containers in various environments and configurations. To support this initiative, a desktop application was required, leading to the birth of Testcontainers Cloud Desktop. Now, in a remarkable move, AtomicJar has contributed Testcontainers Cloud Desktop to the community as the free Testcontainers Desktop application, making it accessible to all developers.

Testing with real dependencies: A glimpse into implementation

To harness the power of Testcontainers Desktop, developers need to follow a few steps to configure their testing environment. First, they should configure the Testcontainers BOM (Bill of Materials) in their project’s `pom.xml` or Gradle build file. This step simplifies the management of Testcontainers dependencies, ensuring consistency across the project.

In Maven, you can configure the Testcontainers BOM as follows:














With this setup, you can use Testcontainers dependencies without specifying the version in your project’s dependencies. For example, to use MySQL with Testcontainers, you can add the following dependency:








Alternatively, if you’re using Gradle, you can manage dependencies like this:


implementation platform(‘org.testcontainers:testcontainers-bom:1.19.0’)



Injecting containers into JUnit tests

Once the Testcontainers dependencies are configured, you can inject Docker containers into your JUnit tests with ease. For instance, to inject a MySQL container with default values for the database, username, and password, you can use the following code snippet:



private static final MySQLContainer mySQLContainer = new MySQLContainer<>(“mysql:8.1.0”);


If you need to customize the default values, Testcontainers Desktop allows you to do so effortlessly:



private static final MySQLContainer mySQLContainer = new MySQLContainer<>(“mysql:8.1.0”)





Furthermore, Testcontainers provides various modules that simplify the integration of Docker containers into your tests. If your specific container isn’t covered by a dedicated module, you can use the GenericContainer class to work with any Docker container, as demonstrated below:



private static final GenericContainer myContainer = new GenericContainer(“redis:7.2.1”)     



With the container injected into your test, you can create connections to the service and execute your unit test logic seamlessly.

Learn more and get started

For developers eager to explore the full potential of Testcontainers Desktop, comprehensive documentation is available. It provides in-depth insights into using Testcontainers for Java and guides developers through the setup and utilization of this powerful testing tool.

Testcontainers Desktop binaries are available for installation on Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of developers.

A deeper dive with Oleg Selajev and Sergei Egorov

To get an even closer look at Testcontainers Desktop, Oleg Selajev, the lead developer advocate at AtomicJar, and Sergei Egorov, co-founder and CEO at AtomicJar, have delved into its features and capabilities in a captivating YouTube discussion and demonstration. This insightful session offers a firsthand perspective on how Testcontainers Desktop can transform your testing workflows and improve your software development processes.

In an era where software development demands precision and efficiency, Testcontainers Desktop emerges as a valuable tool to help developers and QA teams deliver robust, high-quality code. With its innovative features, support for fixed ports, container freezing, and runtime flexibility, it empowers developers to test with real dependencies effectively. As the open-source community continues to evolve, contributions like Testcontainers Desktop from AtomicJar drive progress and democratize powerful tools for developers worldwide.

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