BRICS countries plan alternative internet services

In a bold move that could reshape the global digital landscape, BRICS nations are contemplating the establishment of an independent internet service.

This initiative, spearheaded by Dmitry Gusev, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Control Committee, aims to create a digital platform exclusive to BRICS countries, potentially diminishing the technological dominance of the United States.

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Challenging Western Digital Dominance

The essence of this proposal lies in breaking free from the prevailing US influence over global internet services. The United States, with its dominance in social media, news, and entertainment, has long shaped the world’s digital narrative.

However, the BRICS nations, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are now seeking to establish a self-reliant digital sphere.

The proposal, titled “A single inclusive BRICS+ cyberspace,” envisions a new internet ecosystem that prioritizes traditional values and circumvents Western influence.

Gusev’s proposal is not just about technological independence; it’s a cultural statement. He envisions an internet space where “traditional values and goodness prevail,” countering the Western narrative.

This vision extends beyond mere technological infrastructure to encompass a broader socio-cultural ethos, one that upholds the unique values and perspectives of BRICS nations.

Expanding Influence and Strategic Shifts

This move by BRICS is not just a technological pivot but a part of a larger strategy to diminish Western hegemony in various domains, including the internet.

This development follows in the wake of efforts to end US dollar supremacy and asserts BRICS’ growing role in global affairs. The expanded BRICS bloc, now including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Argentina, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia, reflects this growing influence.

The proposal’s significance is further underscored by recent remarks from Chinese President Xi Jinping, who, at the World Internet Conference, advocated for a “more inclusive and prosperous cyberspace,” aligning with the BRICS’ vision.

The initiative indicates a significant shift in the global digital order, with BRICS nations not only seeking to establish their own internet service but also aiming to redefine the narrative and values that shape the digital world.

The BRICS proposal for an alternative internet service represents a critical juncture in the geopolitical and digital realms.

If realized, this initiative could significantly impact the US’s current dominance in the digital space and redefine how information and cultural narratives are propagated in the digital age.

It’s a move that signifies the emergence of a new digital order, one where diversity of thought and traditional values find a more prominent place in the global digital discourse.

As this plan moves from proposal to reality, it could have far-reaching implications for the US and the current global internet infrastructure, marking a new era in digital communication and cultural exchange.

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