Can AI-Generated Content Be Trusted? PRCA Board Raises Concerns

The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) convened an online conference on March 1st, during which its board members addressed pressing issues such as artificial intelligence (AI) ‘hallucinations’ and intellectual property (IP) theft within the industry. 

The conference, moderated by Richard Fernandez, PRCA’s director of external and public affairs, focused on the recent update to the organization’s guidelines on client-consultancy relationships.

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PRCA prioritizes transparency in AI use 

The PRCA board highlighted AI as a significant concern, emphasizing the importance of transparency regarding its use. James Crawford, managing director of PR Agency One, noted that while addressing these concerns, the group aimed to maintain flexibility in its approach to guidelines. 

The updated charter underscores the necessity for openness about AI tool usage while considering factors such as copyright, confidentiality, disinformation, and diversity. Privacy emerged as a primary client concern, prompting agencies to focus on anonymizing client work and prioritizing paid AI platforms for enhanced privacy protection.

Mitigating the risk of ‘Hallucinations’ and IP theft

Claire Williams, managing director of Resonance, echoed concerns regarding AI-generated content, cautioning against its unchecked dissemination due to the risk of ‘hallucinations,’ where AI tools might present inaccurate information as fact.

 Another significant worry discussed was IP theft, wherein clients may exploit ideas pitched by PR consultants without engaging their services. Despite the PRCA’s condemnation of IP theft in its updated charter, Williams highlighted the challenge of detecting such instances before investing substantial effort and resources.

Challenges in the pitching process

Fernandez shed light on the challenges faced during the pitching process, including long delays and ‘ghosting,’ where agencies receive no response after pitching their ideas. Williams attributed the prevalence of ghosting to periods of industry turmoil and suggested leveraging the charter as a last resort to address such issues.

Rob Colmer of Aston Martin Lagonda acknowledged the possibility of being a ‘ghostly client’ at times, emphasizing the charter’s role in facilitating communication between parties.

Navigating implementation challenges

Addressing potential difficulties in enforcing the charter’s terms, Fernandez and Crawford emphasized the importance of maintaining client relationships while upholding standards. Crawford proposed integrating references to the charter in new business proposals, allowing clients to conduct their own analysis. 

Williams stressed the agency’s responsibility to understand and communicate effectively with clients, acknowledging the significance of relationships in the industry.

PRCA’s quest for ethical practices amid AI and IP challenges

The PRCA’s efforts to combat AI-related challenges and IP theft reflect the evolving landscape of the PR industry. While the updated charter provides a framework for addressing these concerns, implementation may pose challenges, particularly in navigating client relationships and ensuring adherence to standards. 

Nevertheless, by fostering transparency and communication, the PRCA aims to mitigate risks and promote ethical practices within the industry.


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