Bitcoin maximalism is misguided — Satoshi Nakamoto was a 'Maxi Plus'

Bitcoin Maximalism is often toxic and off-putting to cryptocurrency newcomers — along with everyone else. But “Bitcoin Maxi Plus” offers a nuanced alternative.

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“Bitcoin is all that matters, but so does everything else,” is a statement I have made to clients and students alike for years now. In an attempt to stress how important Bitcoin (BTC) is, it can be easy to take a hard-line “Bitcoin Maxi” stance. Bitcoin maximalism is the idea that Bitcoin is the only legitimate cryptocurrency protocol, and that all other protocols have no use cases or utility — and are simply scams. 

The other side of the coin is being too lenient with every protocol someone dreams up. Founders always tout some coin or token with some kind of shiny buzzword attached to it to make it sound like a technological revolution. Or a memecoin that will fly to the moon.

Having extensive experience as an emerging technology engineer, along with my experience with Bitcoin, Web3, and cryptocurrencies, I can't throw the baby of newer protocols out with the proverbial bathwater of being a Bitcoin maxi. Seeing the innovations and applications of newer protocols served as the inspiration for my idea of being a “Bitcoin Maxi Plus.”

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