China 6 months behind US on AI, says Google’s former region head

The former president of Google China says he expects the AI-powered apps to take off much faster in China compared to the United States. 

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Chinese artificial intelligence models are around six months behind those being used in the United States but could soon outstrip them in terms of adoption, says Kai-Fu Lee, the former president of Google China. 

The less-advanced Chinese models are roughly 15 months behind their US counterparts, but leading large language models (LLMs) used by Chinese companies are between six and nine months behind, Lee said at the AVCJ Private Equity Forum in China, according to a Sept. 11. CNBC report

Lee, the founder of startup 01.AI and venture capital firm Sinovation Ventures, said AI apps in China could soon outstrip their competitors in the US, noting that the cost of training AI models had been significantly reduced in recent months.

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