AI Advances Pre-Diabetes Treatment After UAE’s 100-Day Screening Campaign

UAE, January 14, 2024 In a groundbreaking effort to tackle the growing concern of diabetes and pre-diabetes, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHP) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has concluded a 100-day joint project that identified over 1,000 individuals with either diabetes or pre-diabetes through a nationwide screening program involving more than 12,000 participants. This initiative, conducted in collaboration with the private sector and pharmaceutical company Merck, will now harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the consequences of the disease and provide early preventive treatment to individuals with pre-diabetes.

Identifying the pre-diabetic population

Using glycated hemoglobin screening, medical professionals assessed sugar levels in participants’ blood, providing crucial insights into their diabetes or pre-diabetes status. Of the 12,877 individuals screened, a significant 8.9% (more than 1,100 people) were found to have pre-diabetes. This condition is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels that do not yet meet the criteria for a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis but can be a precursor to the full-blown disease.

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Preventing the progression from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes is essential, as the latter requires lifelong medical care. The MoHP, in collaboration with Merck and other stakeholders, is committed to raising awareness and bridging the gap between diagnosis and treatment. Ahmed Fadl, General Manager at Merck Gulf, emphasized that approximately 70% of pre-diabetic individuals are unaware of their condition. The initiative aims to make them aware and take proactive steps toward diagnosis and treatment.

Comprehensive healthcare services

The 100-day campaign, which began in October, sought to provide comprehensive healthcare services across all regions of the UAE, offering support and information on diabetes management through digital questionnaires. High-risk individuals, based on factors like family history, body mass index, weight, and lifestyle, underwent screening, and medical consultations were provided to manage pre-diabetes. Follow-ups occurred at three and six months, with remote counseling also available.

By comprehending the prevalence of pre-diabetes within the community, the screening program aspires to reduce the number of individuals progressing to Type 2 diabetes, potentially minimizing the strain on healthcare systems in the long term. The International Diabetes Federation reported that in 2021, approximately 12.3% of the UAE’s adult population had diabetes, affecting nearly a million people.

A future with AI-Powered healthcare

Looking ahead, the MoHP aims to expand this program further, incorporating artificial intelligence to identify high-risk patients through patient profiles. These profiles, stored digitally via Emirates ID or within hospital records, will be connected to the Ministry of Health’s database, allowing AI to pinpoint high-risk individuals and guide them toward consultations and lifestyle changes. This approach aligns with the ministry’s overarching goal of enhancing preventive care to reduce the incidence of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

In addition to early detection, promoting a healthy lifestyle remains integral to diabetes prevention. The Ras Al Khaimah Hospital has initiated an annual campaign encouraging healthier living by offering cash prizes of Dh300 per kilogram for weight loss. This campaign has received an overwhelming response, with more than 18,000 participants signing up to date.

Pioneering research for diabetes treatment

Simultaneously, the Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Centre has joined forces with Kyoto University’s Centre for iPS Cell Research and Application and Japanese biotech firm Rege Nephro to advance innovative diabetes treatments. This research involves reprogramming skin and blood cells to replicate tissue cells damaged by diabetes, offering potential treatment options for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Yendry Ventura, CEO of the Stem Cells Centre, expressed optimism about transformative healthcare solutions resulting from this collaboration, supported by the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi.

As the UAE takes significant strides in tackling diabetes and pre-diabetes, these initiatives underscore the nation’s commitment to the well-being of its citizens. By combining data-driven approaches with AI, comprehensive healthcare services, and cutting-edge research, the UAE is at the forefront of the fight against diabetes, offering hope for a healthier future for all.

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