AI-based crypto rating agencies could flag ‘dodgy’ projects: Execs

SingularityNET CEO Ben Goertzel said that advances in AI could make it easier to produce summaries on the reputation of crypto entities.

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Over a year after the infamous Terra, FTX, and Celsius collapses in 2022 and the many more incidents that have plagued the industry since then, execs bring up the role of crypto rating agencies in mitigating risks within the crypto sphere. 

In 2022, Ben Goertzel, the CEO of decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) firm SingularityNET, argued that rating agencies could rebuild trust in crypto much more than regulators. Fast forward to 2024, the executive told Cointelegraph that he still cannot find any regulatory efforts to increase his faith in protecting crypto uses. He explained: 

On the other hand, the executive added that “transparent, crowdsourced and intelligently aggregated rating mechanisms could add a lot to the crypto landscape.” Goertzel also mentioned that advances in AI technology would now make it easier to produce customized summaries on the reputations of various entities in crypto using raw data and reports from various sources. 

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