AI in Jewish Education: Students and Teachers Express Mixed Opinions

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) software has made its way into the realm of education, and there’s now AI in Jewish educators and students circles who are already grappling with its implications. From religious perspectives to practical concerns, opinions on AI’s role in the Jewish classroom vary.

AI’s divine reflection 

Rabbi Erin Binder, a religious school and youth leader at Rockdale Temple in Cincinnati, Ohio, expressed concerns rooted in religious beliefs. She questions how AI like ChatGPT, aligns with the Jewish concept of being made in the image of God. She argues that AI lacks the sense of God, spirituality, or connection that is fundamental to Jewish education.

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 Shortcut or enhancement? 

A central debate revolves around whether AI is a valuable educational tool or a shortcut that hinders genuine learning. Some educators worry that students might use AI to bypass critical thinking and problem-solving. They fear that relying on AI in Jewish education might undermine traditional face-to-face Jewish study methods.

AI’s versatility

Generative AI can create essays, artwork, equations, and code by learning from data patterns and mimicking human responses. It is often used by students for research, but it can also be exploited for cheating. This versatility poses a dilemma for Jewish educators, as it could disrupt the traditional dynamics of studying rabbinic literature.

Mixed opinions among students

Students have diverse perspectives on AI in Jewish classrooms. While Rabbi Binder remains skeptical, Maya Jaffee, a teenager from Rockdale Temple, sees potential. She believes that AI can deepen her Jewish identity by aiding her in incorporating more prayers into her daily routine.

ChatGPT, when asked to create a prayer schedule, offered guidance but advised that observant Jews may have different customs. This example highlights AI’s limitations in addressing the intricacies of Jewish faith.

Eden Kraus, another teen congregant at Rockdale Temple, acknowledges AI’s potential but emphasizes its value as a tool for teachers rather than students. Kraus sees AI as a useful resource for teachers, but it doesn’t significantly impact her Jewish education, given her school’s lack of writing or homework assignments. 

Addressing AI use in schools

School administrators are implementing measures to ensure responsible AI use. At The Leffell School in Hartsdale, New York, students over 13 must sign a Responsible Use Agreement statement, quoting the Babylonian Talmud to emphasize values like critical thinking and fact-checking. 

It also discourages AI use without teacher permission, as it acknowledges AI’s susceptibility to errors and misinformation. Younger students are entirely restricted from using AI, emphasizing the importance of human-to-human interaction in Jewish education.

 Differing perspectives on AI

Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath, an education professional at the Jewish Education Project, sees AI as an opportunity to enhance Jewish education. She encourages educators to embrace AI’s potential and explore how it can make classrooms more efficient.

Vinokor-Meinrath emphasizes the teaching moments AI can offer. For example, when an AI provided a stereotypical image of a Jewish woman, it opened up discussions about stereotypes and the biases within AI algorithms.

Students’ insights

Noam Lahynai, a student-teacher at Adeth Israel Congregation’s religious school, believes AI can expand understanding but should not replace traditional learning. She educates her students about responsible AI use, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking.

Lahynai observed a fellow camper using AI to create a b’nai mitzvah speech, finding it impersonal and disrespectful. This incident highlights the need to strike a balance between AI and genuine effort in education.

 AI in Jewish educational future

Despite concerns and varying opinions, some remain optimistic about the potential impact of AI in Jewish education. Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath believes that AI can help shape the Jewish educational landscape for future generations, allowing educators to adapt and update their approaches.

In an ever-changing world, AI in Jewish schools presents new opportunities and challenges for Jewish education. How educators, students, and institutions navigate this evolving landscape will determine its role in shaping the future of Jewish learning.

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