AI-Powered Protection – How Cisco Defends Against Identity-Based Attacks

Cisco Systems Inc. has unveiled a groundbreaking advancement in cloud security with the introduction of “Identity Intelligence.” This innovative solution combines identity, networking, and security, aiming to fortify organizations’ defenses against identity-based attacks. Cisco’s move comes in response to the rising threat of attackers compromising large organizations through the exploitation of identity and access vulnerabilities.

Cisco’s identity intelligence bridges the cybersecurity gap

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, traditional security models have shown limitations, particularly in managing user identities. Cisco’s Identity Intelligence addresses the challenge of mapping users to multiple digital identities and accounts, which creates numerous entry points for attackers. 

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Often, outdated permissions remain in place, leaving security teams without crucial historical context and current risk assessments.

Cisco’s Identity Intelligence solution is designed to address these issues seamlessly. Running atop existing identity stores, it provides unified visibility and leverages AI-driven analytics. 

Enhanced insights and security measures

Identity Intelligence also seamlessly integrates with existing solutions, offering a holistic approach to security. Features such as Smart Authentication with Cisco Duo detect unusual patterns based on behavior and third-party signals. Smart Access with Cisco Secure Access verifies authentication decisions and blocks high-risk behaviors. 

Additionally, Smart Threat Detection with Cisco XDR correlates identity signals to provide critical information that traditional security solutions might overlook.

Jeetu Patel, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Security and Collaboration at Cisco, emphasized the importance of an “identity-first approach to security,” which evaluates not just if a user can access a system but also whether they should be allowed to perform certain actions once authenticated. 

Patel stated, “By analyzing the entire attack surface of an organization’s users, machines, services, apps, data, and their behaviors, Cisco Identity Intelligence bridges the chasm between authentication and access.”

Artificial intelligence integration

Cisco announced an expansion of its AI capabilities within the Cisco AI Assistant for Cloud. This service, introduced in December, enhances cybersecurity by offering advanced data analysis, policy recommendations, and automated task management.

The newly added features include AI Assistant in Secure Access, which employs generative AI to enable customers to create security access policies using natural language prompts. Integrated into Cisco’s Secure Services Edge solution, this assistant simplifies policy creation with a more intuitive interface.

Secure Access has been further fortified with the ability to automatically detect and protect intellectual property as it moves within and outside AI systems. Cisco Email Threat Defense now utilizes AI to concurrently assess various parts of incoming emails for signs of malicious intent.

Integration for enhanced networking

Cisco is also integrating its robust networking capabilities with Cisco Secure Access, providing a comprehensive solution for organizations. “Experience Insights,” powered by Cisco’s ThousandEyes, enhances productivity for hybrid workers by swiftly identifying connectivity and application issues and facilitating faster resolution. Importantly, this feature is included in all Secure Access licenses at no additional cost.

With these advancements, Cisco is poised to enhance organizations’ cybersecurity posture by addressing the critical areas of identity management, AI-driven threat detection, and seamless networking integration.

In a rapidly evolving threat landscape, Cisco’s Identity Intelligence and AI-driven security measures mark a significant step forward in safeguarding organizations against sophisticated attacks. By bridging the gap between authentication and access, Cisco aims to empower businesses to proactively protect their digital assets and data from emerging threats, setting a new standard in cloud security.

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