Alarming Attrition Rates Among Women in Tech Highlighted in New Report

Skillsoft Women in Tech Report 2024 demonstrates it is no secret that females are facing tremendous difficulties in the tech field at present. At the same time, they have bright prospects. The survey shows that 5 out of 10 women express their desire to leave their jobs within the next 12 months, specifically because of a lack of management skills and the absence of development opportunities. The departure of the workforce by the end of the year is a pertinent issue, as is the need for improved support systems and interventions within the sector.

Gender disparity and training deficits

The report endorses that 85% of teams themselves accept the gender gap situation. It is this view that is further confused by this dissatisfaction with career advancement opportunities again. 38% of women in tech don’t like their onward prospects. Inadequate management was mostly identified as the primary reason people were leaving their jobs, second to GenAI, which was mostly associated with insufficient training. 

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become significantly important in the tech business, but women still report that they don’t use it in their places of work (60%). Those who do (at least two-thirds – 63%) consider themselves not ready for AI to be applied effectively to the work process. In this context, the schism is not only the bottleneck for individuals’ further career development but also affects the social goal of the representative and inventive nature of tech corporations.

The critical role of power skills and professional development

The report emphasizes the prominence of “power skills” in a typical day as they are made up of team communication, emotional intelligence, and active listening. Learning and improving these skills are some of the most vital abilities any leader of technology would want to hone to become a successful leader. Besides, women in our case have executive and managerial training ranked as the priority (37%) followed by project management (23%). Professional growth opportunities such as flexible work hours, paid time off, and professional development programs are highly valued. Yet, only 27% of women in tech express high job satisfaction, with many showing interest in potentially switching jobs within the next twelve months. 

Seeking certifications is an obtainable solution for numerous women who confirm their expertise and self-confidence to broaden the scope of job opportunities. One out of three participants, or 36 % of respondents, has undertaken certifications that have, in return, significantly bolstered their self-esteem and reliability in their peers.

Certifications and support in empowering women in tech

Certifications that are most prominently held by women in tech are those that relate to project management (e.g., Agile, Scrum), service management (e.g., ITIL), and IT (Information Technology). Besides her capabilities and qualities to perform her tasks perfectly, certificates play a critical role in a woman’s leveling up in the competitive business field. Skillsoft drawing such a conclusion incites fear among tech entrepreneurs and provides them with guidelines to create an environment conducive to women’s empowerment. 

Companies’ investments in intentional support, professional development, and equitable training opportunities have been seen not just as an added advantage but as the theorem of a sustainable society and a step towards bridging gender inequities. With rapid technological advancement, women’s involvement and being at the forefront of progress in the sector remain the keys to innovation and achieving viable and effective solutions to existing problems.

The 2024 Women in Tech Report findings underscore the urgent need for appropriate measures to deal with the inequalities and obstructions that plague women in the technology field. Organizations are advised to review their training plans and support mechanisms to build capacity for more women, create an inclusive environment, maximize growth opportunities, and tap the best from the labor pool.

This article originally appeared in The HR Director.

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