AMD Bolsters AI Capabilities with Acquisition of

In a strategic move aimed at enhancing its competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI chip industry, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has announced its acquisition of, an innovative AI chip startup. This acquisition underscores AMD’s commitment to augmenting its software capabilities and providing more efficient solutions in comparison to its key rival, Nvidia. The acquisition of, known for its open-source compiler-based systems, will not only empower AMD with advanced technology but also contribute to the broader AI ecosystem.

Boosting software capabilities to compete with Nvidia

AMD has long been a prominent player in the semiconductor industry, known for its advanced chips. However, in a bid to stay competitive, it has decided to channel substantial investments into software development alongside its cutting-edge hardware offerings. This strategic approach aims to enhance the performance and functionality of AMD’s products. 

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With’s expertise in open-source compiler-based systems, which can effectively allocate compute and communication resources across various processing units such as CPUs, GPUs, and accelerators, AMD is poised to strengthen its software capabilities significantly., with its team of experienced professionals, has already developed industry-leading technology optimized for AMD’s data center chips. AMD’s intention is to maintain this software as part of an open ecosystem, designed to reduce barriers to entry for developers through the provision of tools, libraries, and models. This approach aligns with AMD’s strategy to foster collaboration and innovation within the AI community.

The move to acquire comes at a crucial juncture in the AI chip industry, where competition is steadily intensifying. OpenAI, for instance, is actively exploring the possibility of developing its own AI chips for training next-generation models. Furthermore, SoftBank’s Arm, fresh from its IPO, is aggressively pursuing a data center strategy. Notably, Nvidia has been dominating this space, with high demand for its GPUs for AI model training, causing a shortage in supply.

AI companies rely heavily on an array of chips to power their systems, and Nvidia’s GPUs have been a popular choice. Microsoft’s AI supercomputer, built for OpenAI, utilizes a staggering 10,000 Nvidia A100 GPUs, each coming at a substantial cost of $10,000. The recently released H100, a successor to the A100, is even more expensive, priced at approximately $30,000 per chip. With Nvidia facing challenges in scaling up production, the supply-demand gap for these GPUs is expected to persist, hindering the progress of AI projects.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has expressed frustration over the scarcity of GPUs, which has posed hurdles to his company’s advancements in AI research. As such, the ability to offer reliable and efficient software solutions is emerging as a key differentiator for AMD when compared to Nvidia.

Software as the key differentiator

AMD has confidently asserted that it can achieve 80% of Nvidia’s performance with similarly-aged chips when it comes to training large language models, thanks to its emphasis on automation and software development. This strong focus on software innovation is exemplified by the acquisition of

Vamsi Boppana, Senior VP of the AI Group at AMD, has stated that the acquisition of is expected to significantly enhance AMD’s ability to provide open software solutions for AI customers. These solutions will be finely tuned to perform exceptionally well on AMD hardware, catering to the growing demand for AI capabilities across various industries.’s software offerings are already in use by major cloud hyperscalers, attesting to their effectiveness in streamlining AI model deployment. One of its notable products, the SHARK package, reduces the need for manual optimization and accelerates the deployment of high-performance AI models across a spectrum of platforms, including data centers, edge devices, and client systems.

Under the umbrella of the AMD AI Group,’s team will collaborate closely to integrate their software seamlessly into AMD’s architecture. This collaboration aims to enhance AMD’s existing AI software products, further solidifying its position as a leading player in the AI chip industry.

Securing the future of AI

The specifics of the financial arrangement behind AMD’s acquisition of have not been publicly disclosed. However, this acquisition aligns with AMD’s broader strategy of focusing on software development to drive growth.’s employees, with their expertise, will become integral members of the 1,500-strong AMD AI Group, which was established earlier this year to consolidate AMD’s acquisitions. The company also plans to add 300 more hires to the group this year, with additional expansion in the pipeline for the next year.

In a competitive landscape where AI chip innovation is driving the future of technology, AMD’s acquisition of represents a significant step towards achieving its goal of delivering high-performance, software-driven solutions. As the demand for AI capabilities continues to surge across industries, the combination of AMD’s hardware prowess and’s software expertise is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI-driven innovation.

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