Ankr and XDC Network form alliance for web3 advancements

Ankr has integrated the XDC Network into its RPC service. This advancement stands as a testament to Ankr’s commitment to streamlining the development of decentralized applications on the XDC Network. This partnership ensures that developers can now access the full prowess of the XDC Network, crafting efficient Web3 solutions. Moreover, this integration especially aligns with needs in trade finance and real-world tokenization.

Additionally, Securitize recently voiced its support for the XDC Network. Notably, they highlighted the U.S. Treasury Yield (USTY) token, a product of the XDC Network. The USTY token offers cost-effective access to yields from U.S. Treasury ETFs. This further showcases XDC’s potential in real-world asset tokenization.

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Ankr’s XDC RPC connections stand out as they bridge the gap between the XDC blockchain, dApps, and users. By acting as intermediaries, they ensure smooth data transition between the XDC nodes and dApps. Hence, developers no longer need to set up their XDC nodes, saving time and resources.

The Premium RPC Plan by Ankr is another key development. It offers developers a suite of powerful tools. These include high request rates, global node locations, and WebSocket capabilities. Such features empower developers to create dynamic applications on the XDC Network seamlessly.

Furthermore, Ankr’s RPC service broadens the horizon for developers. It enables the creation of applications that can harness the XDC Network’s speed, security, and scalability. Consequently, developers get a rich data set for dApp development. This initiative strengthens the XDC Network on a global scale. Ankr plays a pivotal role in the network’s expansion by simplifying the development process and offering vast infrastructure.

Billy Sebell, Executive Director of XDC Foundation, highlighted the importance of this integration. He mentioned, “The partnership with Ankr underscores our commitment to arming developers with essential tools. We aim to simplify application building while ensuring world-class speed and efficiency.”

Chandler Song, CEO of Ankr, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership. “Our alliance with XDC Network underscores our vision to support developers in asset tokenization. As the financial domain melds with blockchain, we ensure they have a steadfast RPC connection to the XDC Network.”

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