APRIL 17TH! CCTF Yacht x Polkadot: VIP Networking with Top Web3 Hackers


  • CCTF DAO and Polkadot Community partnership event extend an exclusive invitation to a pioneering event leading up to Token2049 Dubai.
  • The event provides exclusive insights and a comprehensive dive into the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • The CCTF Yacht x Polkadot networking event begins on April 17th; four ticket categories are already sold out.

CCTF DAO has partnered with the Polkadot community for an exclusive event that provides a deep dive into the Polkadot ecosystem The much-anticipated event will start tomorrow, April 17th, leading up to Token 2049. 

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CCTF – Meaning Cryptocurrency is the Flag, prepared this event to allow blockchain masterminds and industry big players to interact and create alliances that will continue to grow the community and provide solutions. The event will not only provide a memorable journey with the affluent community of blockchain experts, but it will also offer unique networking experiences since it attracts elite personalities within the Web3 space. 

The event will consist of several Web3 gurus, from elite hackers to insightful investors and pioneers of Web3 innovation. The platform certainly provides an exclusive opportunity to interact with high-value professionals, giving opportunities for growth, collaborations, and even sponsorship whenever necessary. 

A premium networking opportunity awaits you once you sign up for this sought-after event. Currently, the four ticket categories are already sold out, and the organizing team is pleased to announce an exclusive offer known as BuyOnTop, with very limited slots left. The arrangements have been made following increasing demands. 

What to expect at the CCTF Yatch x Polkadot Event

The event will host notable players in the industry, including but not limited to SubWallet, Nova Wallet, and Talisman Wallet. Representatives from InvArch, Mandala Chain, Mosaic Chain, G6 Networks, NEAR, and Web3 Foundation are also expected. 

Here’s a look at the pre-planned event timeline.

​6:00 PM: Gathering and boarding after Polkadot Pulse

​7:30 PM: Depart from the Harbour (Palm)

​7:30 PM: Opening ceremony, Winner announcement / Six and Silur’s talk

​7:50 PM: Filippo Franchini, Web3 Foundation – Polkadot’s elastic scaling

​8:10 PM : Six, G6 Networks – Web3 and DePIN for Governments

​8:30 PM: The Omnichain Future by Dakota Barnett, Founder of InvArch

​8:50 PM: Zain Khan, Itheum – Data Ownership

​9:10 PM: Winning Polkadot DeFi – Tee Ahmed, StellaSwap

​9:30 PM: Networking

​11:30 PM: Return to the Pier

​00:01 AM: Afterparty (not part of the ticket)

Only the extended tickets remain available for the event, as both Early Bird and FOMO tickets already sold out.

The much-awaited CCTF Yatch x Polkadot Dubai event will be highly resourceful to developers, marketers, and even team members within the Web3 industry. It provides lucrative opportunities to network, share ideas, and build the industry to the next level. 

It will be held in Dubai starting tomorrow, and the exact location details will be shared with ticket holders. If interested, please grab a ticket here.

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