Bastion’s rapid ascent: Former Andreessen Horowitz executives secure crucial money transmitter licenses

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets, securing proper licenses and regulatory approvals is essential for startups aiming to make a mark. In a significant move that echoes its ambition and commitment to compliance, Bastion, the cryptocurrency startup formed by ex-executive Andreessen Horowitz, has achieved just that.

A remarkable beginning: Bastion’s launch and vision

Launched merely a month ago, in mid-September 2023, Bastion is already showcasing its mettle. Founded by two former executives of Andreessen Horowitz, often referred to as a16z, a well-renowned private American venture capital firm, Bastion’s mission has always been clear: to bridge the gap between U.S. businesses and the world of digital assets. Their goal? To enable American enterprises to provide their customers with seamless and compliant exposure to prominent digital assets, like Bitcoin.

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This vision is neither a small nor an easy one. In a landscape riddled with regulatory challenges and public skepticism, The company’s founders knew they had their work cut out for them. The US, while being one of the global leaders in technology and innovation, has a complicated relationship with cryptocurrencies. Regulations vary from state to state, and what’s permissible in one might be forbidden in another.

Bastion’s significant regulatory milestone

Today, on October 31, the world got a glimpse of Bastion’s commitment to its vision. The startup announced that it had secured its first two Money Transmitter Licenses (MTLs) in the United States. These licenses, a crucial regulatory stamp of approval, have been obtained from New Hampshire and Arkansas. The New Hampshire Banking Department and Arkansas Securities Department have granted these licenses, signaling a strong start for Bastion in its journey.

But what does this mean for Bastion and its potential clients? Quite a lot. With these MTLs, The company can now engage in a host of activities that are crucial for a digital asset firm. They can deal with the selling or issuance of payment instruments, delve into stored value offerings, and provide prepaid access. Furthermore, they can now facilitate transactions by receiving both money and digital currency in the states of New Hampshire and Arkansas.

It’s not just these two states that are on Bastion’s radar. The firm has openly stated that more applications are pending for MTLs in other U.S. territories. This strategic move indicates their intention to cast a wide net across the country, ensuring that their services aren’t limited by geographical boundaries.

For those interested in the finer details or seeking verification of Bastion’s claims, the licenses can be accessed and reviewed on the official website of the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS).

What lies ahead for Bastion?

The rapid pace at which Bastion is moving is commendable, to say the least. Just one month into their journey, they have already laid down a clear path for their future. Their commitment to ensuring U.S. businesses can engage customers in compliant exposure to digital assets is not just talk; they are walking the walk.

While these licenses are a significant accomplishment, they are just the beginning. The world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets is vast, and Bastion seems to be on the right track to navigate it. With a solid foundation, a clear vision, and the backing of experienced founders, the future looks promising for this budding startup.


As the regulatory landscape around digital currencies continues to evolve, startups like Bastion that prioritize compliance and transparency will likely lead the way. Their achievements so far hint at a brighter, more inclusive future for digital assets in the U.S. business landscape. Only time will tell how far Bastion will go, but with their current trajectory, the sky’s the limit.

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