Beyond Crisis: The Ratchet Effect and the Erosion of Liberty

The Constitution “is not a suicide pact,” said Justice Arthur Goldberg in the court’s opinion in the 1963 Supreme Court case of Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez. His statement highlights a fundamental truth: in times of crisis, governments often feel compelled to take extraordinary measures to protect their citizens and maintain order.

However, this desire to act swiftly and decisively can lead down a perilous path where the expansion of government power becomes a seemingly irreversible process. Welcome to the world of the ratchet effect.

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What Is the Ratchet Effect?

This phenomenon gets its name from the mechanical device called a ratchet, which allows motion in one direction only. Just as a ratchet prevents backward movement, the ratchet effect ensures that government power advances inexorably, never retreating to previous levels.

The ratchet effect theory, as popularized by Robert Higgs in his book Crisis and Leviathan, refers to the tendency of governments to respond to crises by implementing new policies, regulations, and laws that significantly enhance their powers. These measures are typically presented as temporary solutions to address specific problems. However, in history, these measures often outlast their intended purpose and become a permanent part of the legal landscape.

The Ratchet Effect in Action

The USA PATRIOT Act, enacted in response to the 9/11 attacks, exemplifies this trend. Intended to enhance national security, it granted sweeping new powers to intelligence agencies, including authorizing “sneak and peek” searches under Section 213. These types of searches allowed delayed notification of search warrants, permitting law enforcement to secretly enter private premises without immediately informing the owner, raising Fourth Amendment concerns.

The act also greatly expanded the definition of “domestic terrorism” to include activities that seem intended to influence government policy through intimidation or coercion, without requiring evidence of actual violence. This broadened definition gave law enforcement enhanced leeway to investigate activist groups engaged in nonviolent advocacy and protest activities.

Yet, despite the lapse of two decades since 9/11, these provisions persist, normalizing extraordinary intrusions into privacy. This illustrates how emergency measures can become entrenched through the ratchet effect, as the ongoing fear of terrorism fossilizes exceptions to civil liberties into standard practice long after the initial crisis has passed.

Similarly, the 2008 global financial crisis prompted governments worldwide to impose rigorous regulatory frameworks on financial institutions. Although conceived as stopgap measures, these restrictions have proven remarkably durable, constraining economic growth and innovation. The specter of another devastating crash continues to justify the existence of these restrictions, disregarding the adverse effects on entrepreneurship and personal autonomy.

More recently, the covid-19 pandemic has brought the ratchet effect back into sharp focus. Governments have instituted a range of controls to contain the virus, from lockdowns and travel restrictions to mask mandates and vaccination requirements. While some of these measures—it could be argued—may have been appropriate in the short term, their prolonged implementation raises concerns about creeping authoritarianism. As fear and uncertainty persist, there is a growing risk that these temporary measures will become permanent features of our lives, further diminishing individual liberties.

It is essential to recognize the subtle yet pernicious nature of the ratchet effect. Each successive crisis creates opportunities for governments to consolidate their powers, often under the guise of protecting its citizens. However, this accretion of authority comes at a profound cost: the gradual relinquishment of fundamental rights and freedoms.

Looming Potential Crises: AI and Climate Change

As we reflect on the historical progression of government power during times of crisis, we must also turn our attention to the potential threats on the horizon that could further amplify state control. Two pressing concerns that warrant careful consideration are the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and the intensifying calls for action against climate change.

Advancements in AI technology present both extraordinary possibilities and daunting challenges. As AI integrates deeper into various sectors of society, governments might feel pressured to exercise greater authority to ensure public safety, data privacy, and economic stability. Fears surrounding job displacement and unpredictable moral predicaments could serve as justification for heightened supervision. Nonetheless, such interventions risk reinforcing the ratchet effect, culminating in an accumulation of AI-centric regulations that stagnate innovation and hamper economic progress.

The unfolding climate change crisis continues to dominate headlines, with mounting pressure on world leaders to take drastic measures to curtail emissions and transition toward renewable energy sources. Already, governments are responding to this crisis with sweeping policies aimed at mitigating the perceived threat. Yet, there exists a danger that emergency-driven actions will metamorphose into permanent features of the regulatory terrain. Opportunistic special interest groups may capitalize on the situation to promote their agendas, contributing to an enlargement of government influence that transcends the initial response to environmental imperatives.

The Quest for Liberty and Economic Implications

When crises strike, the instinctive reach for government intervention may provide fleeting comfort, but it often ignores the long-term consequences of empowering the state at the expense of personal autonomy. As the heavy hand of regulation descends, it smothers the entrepreneurial spirit, strangles innovation, and saps the vitality of once-thriving markets. The result? A sluggish economy, suffocating under the weight of bureaucratic red tape, and a citizenry increasingly beholden to an all-powerful government.

By embracing market-driven solutions, we can tap into the limitless potential of human ingenuity by creating new opportunities, products, and services that drive growth and improve lives. From cutting-edge technologies to innovative business models, the free market has always been the engine of progress, lifting billions out of poverty and connecting people across the globe.

Moreover, the pursuit of individual liberty and property rights is not only a moral imperative, it’s also a key driver of economic success. When individuals are free to pursue their passions and ideas without undue interference, they create value that benefits everyone. Conversely, when governments overstep their bounds, they stifle innovation, suppress entrepreneurship, and ultimately impoverish society.

Therefore, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the principles of classical liberalism, rejecting the false promises of collectivist ideologies and embracing the spontaneous order of the free market. By trusting in the invisible hand, we can build a brighter future where freedom, innovation, and prosperity flourish.


The ratchet effect’s inexorable advance poses a constant threat to individual liberty and economic prosperity. History teaches us that emergency measures, however well-intentioned, tend to metastasize into permanent restrictions on our freedom. As we weather the tempests of crises, we must remain vigilant in defense of our fundamental rights and the engines of economic growth.

To succeed in this endeavor, we must cultivate a deep understanding of the ratchet effect and its insidious workings. We must recognize how seemingly innocuous measures, passed in the heat of the moment, can gradually accumulate and harden into oppressive systems. We must also appreciate the roles that individual initiative and entrepreneurial spirit play in fostering resilience and prosperity.

With this knowledge, we can chart a course that preserves the delicate balance between public safety and personal autonomy. We can design crisis responses that are surgical in their precision, minimizing the impact on our liberties while maximizing their effectiveness in addressing the challenge at hand. We can create regulatory frameworks that enable innovation to flourish rather than suffocating it beneath a blanket of bureaucratic red tape.

Ultimately, our success will depend on our ability to stay true to our core values of protecting property rights and preserving individual and economic freedoms. By remaining vigilant and committed to these principles, we can build societies that are both resilient in the face of crisis and prosperous in the long term. The ratchet effect may continue to exert its influence, but we can ensure that its grip remains loose and that our spirits remain unbroken.


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