Bitcoin Cash up 17% against the dollar but Bitcoin and Ethereum are down!

The crypto currency ‘Bitcoin cash’ which split from bitcoin earlier in the year is now up 17% against the dollar. This jump comes from some positive news surrounding Bitcoin Cash. The wallet provider ‘Bitwalla’, which now has over 57,000 customers; announced yesterday that it is allowing their customers to keep their Bitcoin Cash. Bitstamp, one the world’s biggest exchanges also announced yesterday that it would be adding Bitcoin Cash to its exchange from December. This was just due the high demand of customers who were wanting the crypto on their platform. Nejc Kodric said “We get requests from our users who want to trade it” and “We want to be as agnostic as possible so we look at the system, and if we believe there is sufficient demand and there will be trading and trading volume, we’re going to list it”. This means that Bitcoin Cash will be joining the other four major crypto currencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple’s XRP. This rise in price is still nowhere near their record, however the cryptocurrency is starting to look even more positive by the day. Could this be the turning point of Bitcoin Cash? We believe so! The rise of Bitcoin Cash has been something that many predicted, but could we see it breaking all records in the New Year? Many experts suggest that Bitcoin Cash will double in price by early 2018, and with the news this week… it bodes well for some of the experts predications. In other news, Bitcoin is now down 0.5% against the dollar and Ethereum is down 0.02% against the dollar (Time 8.35am GMT)

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