BNB Chain’s 2023: Revolutionizing Web3 Development with opBNB and Greenfield

The year 2023 marked a significant milestone in the evolution of blockchain technology and Web3 development, particularly for BNB Chain. The launch of opBNB and Greenfield has not only enriched the BNB Chain ecosystem but also significantly lowered the entry barriers to Web3 development. 

The year stands as a testament to BNB Chain’s commitment to pioneering the future of Web3, focusing on seamless dApp development and fostering a more accessible blockchain environment.

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Innovative architectural developments: opBNB and Greenfield

At the heart of the transformation are opBNB and Greenfield, both underpinned by a design principle that emphasizes programmable data. opBNB’s compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machines (EVMs) has dramatically simplified the development process for builders. The ease of use was reflected in the impressive achievement of 23 million daily transactions by late 2023. Its roadmap is ambitious, aiming to double transaction speeds, reduce gas fees by tenfold, and enhance overall efficiency for both users and developers.

Greenfield, on the other hand, is revolutionizing the data economy by bridging data ownership with decentralized finance (DeFi) utilities. Its key milestones for the year included improved data upload/download speeds and a forward-looking vision to integrate Artificial Intelligence. The roadmap for Greenfield is focused on boosting performance and expanding multi-chain capabilities.

Empowering Web3 developers: Comprehensive support and incentives

BNB Chain’s support for Web3 developers in 2023 was multifaceted. The introduction of MVB VII, a 10-week accelerator program with distinct tracks for Startups and Founders marked the Ideation Stage. During the Deployment Stage, the Kickstart Program offered discounted services, while Builder Grants were awarded to projects adding significant value to the BNB Chain ecosystem. Developers also benefited from co-marketing opportunities, round-the-clock technical support on Discord, and access to dedicated Business Development Managers.

following the deployment, the Total Value Locked (TVL) Incentive and Daily Active User (DAU) Incentive Programs emerged as catalysts for ecosystem growth. These initiatives, boasting monthly rewards totaling up to $360,000, effectively encouraged substantial TVL contributions on opBNB, driving a surge in developmental activities within the BNB Chain community.

In essence, these programs proved instrumental in fostering a thriving and dynamic ecosystem, reinforcing the commitment to innovation and user engagement in the blockchain space.

Hackathons and community engagement

BNB Chain’s global outreach in 2023 was highlighted by its sponsorship of major hackathons like Zero2Hero and Hackvolution. The Istanbul and Taipei Blockchain Week Hackathons were particularly noteworthy, showcasing exceptional talent in the blockchain space.

Winners of these hackathons received not only monetary rewards but also exclusive mentorship and marketing support, underscoring BNB Chain’s commitment to nurturing emerging talent in the blockchain sector.


The journey of BNB Chain in 2023 epitomized relentless innovation, strategic growth, and deep community engagement for Web3 and blockchain. The introduction of user-centric solutions like opBNB and BNB Greenfield, coupled with robust builder incentives, demonstrates BNB Chain’s dedication to creating a more inclusive and accessible blockchain future. As we reflect on the achievements of the past year, it’s clear that BNB Chain is not just keeping pace with the evolving world of blockchain technology but is actively shaping its future.

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