British Motorists Skeptical of AI-Driven Vehicle Superiority

According to a recent poll, 60% of UK drivers believe they are better than automatic AI-driven vehicle technologies. 

The UK government hopes to allocate big budgets to help transform the automotive industry, hoping for driverless vehicles on their roads in the future.

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Also read: AI-enabled robots for road repair in UK 

British Motorists’ Negative Attitude to AI Vehicle System

In a VWFS research undertaken on 2,078 motorists, a vast majority feel that Autonomous Vehicles may not respond faster than human drivers. Despite former Prime Minister Boris Johnson declaring his experience working with the self-driving mechanism of Tesla as positive, people are still quite skeptical regarding this technology.

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According to the study, 39% of drivers were most concerned about technological failures, while 10% were worried about getting bored without actively driving. However, 27% of the interviewees regard this as a possibility, as might be the case if the switch to autonomous vehicles does not disadvantage 30% of drivers. The VWFS official said it should let the public know the safety protocols and the benefits of self-driving vehicles.

Public Funding of AI-Driven Technology

The Automated Vehicles Bill is set to receive Royal Assent later this year. Until 2030, investors are expected to invest £150 million in autonomous vehicles. This project aspires to turn the UK into one of the most advanced developers in the field, looking beyond the tepid public opinion.

While the motoring trade organization hails technology as how too many people could be saved from death on the roads, it could also stimulate economic growth and development. The survey shows that we need to educate society about the impact of reliability and service on the end user.

With self-driving vehicles, the possibility of decreasing the number of accidents and saving lives arises. Nonetheless, a representative from the automotive industry trade body emphasized the importance of addressing public concerns and giving priority to the potential benefits.

Cryptopolitan reporting by Emman Omwanda

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