Can BudBlockz Generate 100X Return Like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Did in 2021?

Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are two crypto coins that have been performing poorly in the cryptocurrency market recently. However, these coins were not always like this. 2021 was an incredible year for Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, but in 2022 that changed, with values for both decreasing rapidly from their all time highs. Shiba Inu and Dogecoin have nearly identical issues, which accounts for their nearly identical market performance.

To start with, Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are both meme coins. The primary issue is that meme currencies are no longer grabbing as much attention. Even though Dogecoin has been available for a while, it doesn’t have any applications, and neither does Shiba Inu. Both have been underperforming as a result of significant withdrawals, and shown declining numbers of holders and transactions.

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Stiff competition is the primary factor contributing to Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and other meme coins’ poor performance. Investors in Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have been drawn to a variety of intriguing cryptocurrency initiatives and this has decreased the number of owners.

BudBlockz as a Profitable Marketplace

One of those rare cryptocurrencies where you can invest at the beginning of an industry and a digital coin, is BudBlockz (BLUNT). BudBlockz is the top decentralized e-commerce platform for the cannabis sector, and their Ganja Guruz, a non-fungible token (NFT), along with their native BLUNT token, have practical uses, raising the value of both assets.

A brand-new and ground-breaking blockchain-based startup, BudBlockz (BLUNT) aims to address a real-world issue by connecting cannabis buyers and sellers in a decentralized and legal setting. It is an e-commerce platform that supports fractionalized ownership, and is supported by BLUNT tokens.

Additionally, the initiative offers solutions to the problems that cannabis entrepreneurs and businesses have with data administration, funding, and logistics management. Each of these problems can be solved with the help of BLUNT.

BudBlockz as a Lucrative Roadmap

BudBlockz has an intriguing future vision that includes ambitions to provide several new features and goods, including physical stores in states where marijuana is legal, a gaming platform, a worldwide marijuana marketplace, an NFT marketplace, and more. These improvements will facilitate daily usage of the blockchain network by cannabis consumers, increasing adoption and driving up prices. In contrast, bitcoin’s roadmap lacks any new developments..

BudBlockz is already gaining more traction with both businesses and consumers, contributing to its likelihood of pumping 100 times faster than other coins, like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu did in 2021.

Due to its many benefits, which include access to cannabis dispensaries and farms, leading the cannabis community, access P2E gaming platforms and De-Fi loans, $BLUNT has become one of the  top-predicted  tokens for value increase in 2023. 


Because it invented cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is widely accepted. The coin, however, doesn’t have a compelling roadmap to keep users interested, and it doesn’t have any applications outside of being a means of payment for online transactions.

On the other hand, BudBlockz is a project with a clear objective that wants to assist cannabis consumers and address some of the most pressing issues in the cannabis industry. If you want to be profitable in 2023 and beyond, BudBlockz is a coin you shouldn’t pass up.

Learn more about BudBlockz (BLUNT) at the links below:

Official Website: 

Presale Registration:: 

BudBlockz Community Links:

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