Casa Wallet unveils Ethereum transaction relay service for enhanced user privacy

Casa, a leading cryptocurrency self-custody platform, has introduced a new feature aimed at bolstering privacy for its Ethereum (ETH) users. The company, which launched a multi-signature Ethereum self-custody vault in June 2023, has now added an Ethereum pay wallet as a relay service. This development comes as a significant upgrade to Casa’s initial Bitcoin (BTC) custody offering, allowing users to manage their Ethereum holdings with up to five private keys for added security.

The new relay service, known as the ETH pay wallet, serves as an alternative to the existing Casa Relay. The latter was initially responsible for facilitating interactions between users’ Ethereum vaults and the Ethereum blockchain. While the Casa Relay enabled users to deploy contracts and send transactions, it had a significant limitation: the Ethereum addresses connected to Casa could be publicly viewed through blockchain scanning tools.

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ETH pay wallet: A new layer of anonymity

The ETH pay wallet aims to address this privacy concern. According to Casa CEO Nick Neuman, transactions and gas fees originating from the ETH pay wallet will not be associated with Casa on-chain. This feature had been in development even before the launch of Casa’s Ethereum custody vault and offers users an opportunity for customization. However, Neuman clarified that the ETH pay wallet would not provide complete anonymity but would remove the connection to Casa on-chain.

The introduction of the ETH pay wallet involves additional steps compared to the Casa Relay. Users are required to cover gas fees with their pay wallet, a trade-off that provides added privacy for those keen on avoiding their on-chain Ethereum addresses being linked to Casa.

The new feature marks a significant milestone in Casa’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience and security. It aligns with the broader industry trends focusing on user privacy and customization. While the ETH pay wallet does not offer complete anonymity, it does provide an additional layer of privacy, making it a welcome addition for users concerned about their on-chain activities being publicly associated with Casa.

The launch of the ETH pay wallet is part of Casa’s broader mission to provide robust and secure self-custody solutions for cryptocurrency users. As the platform continues to evolve, upcoming enhancements are expected to include identity management solutions, secondary market trading, dynamic pricing mechanisms, and insurance pools.

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