Central Digital and Data Office Launches Generative AI Courses for Civil Servants

In a significant step towards enhancing digital competency within the government, the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) has announced the launch of an extensive range of online courses centered around generative artificial intelligence (AI) for civil servants. These courses, developed in collaboration with leading technology companies, are designed to upskill civil servants, aligning with the growing need for digital and AI literacy in government operations.

Comprehensive curriculum for enhanced AI understanding

The courses, over 30 in number, are curated to address various facets of generative AI. They encompass introductory modules to advanced technical curricula, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience for participants at all proficiency levels. The topics range from fundamental concepts of generative AI to more complex areas such as the associated risks and ethics, practical tools and applications, prompt engineering, and strategies for effective AI governance. This diverse curriculum is a response to specific learning needs identified by CDDO’s research and aims to empower civil servants with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving landscape of digital technology.

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Focus on practical application and ongoing development

In addition to the online courses, CDDO is setting up a dedicated page on AI in the Government Campus Prospectus Online. This initiative highlights the organization’s commitment to providing continuous learning resources and keeping civil servants abreast of the latest developments in AI. Moreover, CDDO is collaborating with training providers and technology firms to organize practical workshops. These workshops aim to offer hands-on experience and real-world application scenarios, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation.

Alignment with the government’s digital strategy

This educational initiative aligns with the broader strategy of the government to integrate generative AI into its services efficiently and ethically. The CDDO recently published a framework outlining the responsible use of generative AI in government, reflecting its commitment to harnessing the potential of AI while mitigating risks. This move is further underscored by the recent development of a new chatbot by the Government Digital Service, employing generative AI technology. Such initiatives indicate a concerted effort by the government to stay at the forefront of digital innovation, ensuring that its services remain efficient, responsive, and technologically advanced.

The CDDO’s launch of generative AI courses marks a pivotal step in enhancing digital literacy within the civil service. By providing a well-rounded curriculum and practical learning opportunities, the CDDO is equipping civil servants with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate and contribute to the government’s evolving digital landscape.

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