China-US AI Cooperation – Is the Ice Melting in Technological Diplomacy?

In recent developments, the China-US AI Cooperation has marked a significant yet cautious attempt to explore avenues for collaboration on artificial intelligence, aiming to stabilize their relations through technology diplomacy. This move comes amidst a backdrop of competition and suspicion, but it signals a mutual recognition of the potential and perils of AI technology, especially in military applications and content transparency. The dialogue initiated between these superpowers reflects an emerging consensus on the need to address the ethical dimensions and security implications of rapidly advancing AI technologies.

The path to China-US AI cooperation

The initial steps toward China-US AI cooperation were highlighted during a meeting in Bangkok on January 27, where US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi laid the groundwork for future AI dialogue. This meeting was a direct outcome of the discussions between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping in November 2023, aiming to stabilize and potentially reset their countries’ bilateral relations.

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The focus of these dialogues has been on understanding and agreeing upon key issues such as maintaining human control over AI, especially concerning nuclear arsenals, and enhancing the transparency of AI-generated content. These discussions, however, are yet to yield concrete agreements, reflecting the complex nature of the issues at hand and the underlying competition in technology between the two nations.

Both China and the US recognize the transformative impact of AI on military capabilities and are engaged in modernizing their armed forces with advanced technology. The challenge lies in finding a common ground that addresses the concerns without hampering the technological advancement and military preparedness of either country. Experts like Dr. Ilaria Carrozza have pointed out that while there is a pursuit of a shared language around the use of AI, the broader trend of military modernization makes significant restraint unlikely.

The competition extends beyond military applications to encompass dual-use AI technologies that have both civilian and military potentials. This rivalry underscores the difficulty in achieving substantial agreements on AI cooperation, despite the acknowledgment of mutual safety concerns and risks associated with AI technologies.

The wide-ranging impact of China-US AI cooperation on global governance

The dialogue between China and the US on AI cooperation is not just about bilateral relations but has significant implications for global AI governance and ethical standards. Initiatives like the non-binding Political Declaration on Responsible Military Use of AI and the Bletchley Declaration highlight the international efforts to ensure safe and responsible AI development. However, the absence of a unified framework and the differing approaches of major powers leave other countries in a precarious position, having to navigate between competing norms and standards.

The potential for cooperation between China and the US in AI research and governance could set the stage for global norms, but the current state of affairs reflects a cautious and measured approach. Both nations have their agendas and concerns, with China emphasizing the ethical use and risk assessment of AI and the US focusing on maintaining a technological edge, especially in fundamental research.

As China and the US tiptoe around the delicate issue of AI cooperation, the world watches closely. The outcomes of their discussions could either pave the way for a collaborative framework that benefits global AI governance or exacerbate the technological divide and competition. The question remains: Can these two technological giants find enough common ground to lead the world towards a safer, more transparent, and ethical use of AI, or will their rivalry hinder progress in this critical area?

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