China’s energy sector goes digital with digital yuan payments

China’s energy providers are embracing digital yuan payment options, enabling companies and individuals to settle their bills using the country’s central bank digital currency (CBDC). In a recent example, Suzhou’s Xiangcheng District drainage and sanitation companies utilized the digital yuan to pay an $83,000 power bill. The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), the nation’s largest power provider and the world’s third-largest, is leading the adoption efforts.

The SGCC, along with its Xiangcheng District affiliate, the local finance bureau, and the city’s business support center, has established a working group to facilitate the use of the CBDC for bill settlements by corporate users and local government entities. This group aims to promote more application scenarios for the e-CNY in the energy sector and expand the options available for customers to pay for their power using the digital yuan.

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State-owned public utility providers have expressed their commitment to actively assist companies and individuals in understanding the differences between traditional and digital yuan payment methods. They also plan to conduct in-depth workshops to explain the payment processes associated with the CBDC.

Digital yuan payments in China

Furthermore, Suzhou Chuangtai Alloy Materials Company, a local metals firm, utilized its digital yuan wallet to pay an electricity bill amounting to approximately $73,000. The SGCC’s local office in Suzhou has committed to achieving full coverage of digital yuan payments in the city’s energy sector.

In another development, the city of Zhangjiakou, known for hosting events during the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, is preparing to introduce various digital yuan applications. Former Olympic facilities will be repurposed for leisure activities, allowing visitors to make digital yuan payments for goods, facility usage, and other services. 

Supermarkets, farmers’ markets, restaurants, and a wide range of businesses in Zhangjiakou will start accepting digital yuan payments. Additionally, pension systems, trade union branches, and housing agencies will adopt IT solutions enabling them to send and receive e-CNY payments.

The Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently announced plans to explore projects that incorporate digital yuan payment functions into citizens’ social security cards. Furthermore, the country has been piloting CBDC payments without the need for networks or electricity in public transport systems.

Overall, China’s energy providers and other industries are actively embracing digital yuan payments, showcasing the country’s commitment to promoting the use and adoption of its CBDC across various sectors.

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