Circle CEO warns Congress about threats to the dollar

Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire, has sounded the alarm about the United States dollar’s position as a global reserve currency. In a two-minute video released by Circle on July 13, Allaire directed his message to lawmakers, emphasizing the urgent need for Congress to regulate stablecoins.

Circle CEO wants urgent regulation of stablecoins

The call for action comes as bipartisan legislation specifically addressing digital assets was reintroduced to Congress on July 12, after originally being proposed over a year ago in June 2022. The Circle CEO expressed concern about the increasing competition faced by the US dollar, stating, “The dollar’s position of strength is under threat. Competition for what money gets used on the internet is increasing.” He highlighted the potential impact of foreign digital currencies as a significant threat.

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The Circle CEO further emphasized the importance of determining which digital currencies would dominate global commerce, posing the question of whether transactions would occur in digital dollars, euros, or yuan. He pointed out the potential influence of stablecoins in driving the adoption and use of the yuan by China. The Circle CEO presented the US with a critical choice to make: whether to establish the dollar as the foundational currency for internet-based transactions or to allow other countries to take the lead in this digital era.

To maintain the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency and ensure America’s continued leadership in the global economy, Allaire asserted that it is essential to establish trust in digital dollars and regulate stablecoins promptly. In his argument for stablecoin regulation, he highlighted the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies in revolutionizing payment systems. Allaire argued that traditional financial payments, which often take days to settle and incur substantial fees, place a significant burden on the global economy amounting to a “nearly trillion-dollar tax.”

Industry leaders advocate for well-regulated stablecoins

Mike Novogratz, the founder of crypto investment firm Galaxy Digital, echoed Allaire’s sentiments. On July 13, Novogratz posed a rhetorical question to his Twitter followers, asking whether they would prefer owning a stablecoin that offers higher interest rates compared to a bank that resembles a hedge fund. Indicating his support for well-regulated stablecoins, he stated, “The answer is clear. I hope U.S. lawmakers support the development of well-regulated stablecoins rather than fight it.”

The remarks from Allaire and Novogratz reflect a growing consensus among industry leaders regarding the importance of stablecoin regulation and its potential impact on the future of global finance. As cryptocurrencies continue to gain traction and challenge traditional payment systems, establishing a robust regulatory framework becomes paramount. Regulatory oversight is viewed as a means to build trust, protect consumers, and ensure the stability and competitiveness of the US dollar in the evolving digital landscape.

As the US Congress prepares for its first vote on stablecoin legislation, the choices made by political leaders will shape the future of the global economic system. It remains to be seen how lawmakers will navigate the complexities of regulating stablecoins while fostering innovation and maintaining the United States’ position as a global financial leader. However, the calls from industry experts highlight the need for proactive measures to address the challenges and opportunities presented by digital currencies, ultimately influencing the trajectory of the global financial ecosystem.

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