CIX’s AI Teaser Video Stirs Controversy Ahead of Album Release

K-pop sensation CIX recently unveiled a teaser video for their upcoming single album, “O or 1,” leaving fans and netizens in a state of perplexity. The video, titled “AI BX BRIEFING,” featured member BX taking on the role of artificial intelligence, sparking a heated debate among followers. BX himself later weighed in, clarifying the nature of the video. 

BX or AI? The debate rages on

Upon the release of the teaser video, fans found themselves divided over a fundamental question: Was it BX himself, or had the group employed advanced AI technology? Some fans argued that BX seemed to glance at a script next to the camera and even appeared to stifle laughter at certain moments, suggesting a human presence. However, others believed the video’s lifelike AI performance, raising questions about the technology’s capabilities.

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Amid the swirling debate, BX himself stepped in to put an end to the speculations. In response to fan comments and questions regarding the video, BX confirmed that it was an AI representation of himself. He humorously noted, “No, that’s not me acting; it’s AI lolol. It probably learned my voice and my expressions.” This revelation shocked K-Netizens and fans alike, who had been convinced that BX had taken on the role personally.

BX’s response to the Ai comments | X

K-netizens express concern

The unexpected use of AI technology for the teaser video left many K-Netizens taken aback. Several expressed their concerns and reactions online, with some finding the concept “scary” and questioning the need for such technological intervention. Comments included statements like, “I don’t want to say this, but really? Couldn’t he just have filmed it himself? This is kinda scary,” and “Wow, to use this as a comeback teaser?”

Netizen comments | theqoo

CIX’s decision to employ AI technology in their teaser video, presenting it as an album concept, marks a significant departure from conventional K-Pop promotional strategies. While AI is not entirely unprecedented in the entertainment industry, it still managed to catch fans and netizens off guard. The mixed reactions from both camps underscore the unpredictability of this move.

More AI videos and album release

Despite the initial controversy, CIX seems determined to forge ahead with its innovative approach. BX’s teaser video is just the beginning, as the group plans to release AI videos featuring the remaining four members. Meanwhile, fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the “O or 1” single album, scheduled for January 24.

In a world where technology continues to shape the entertainment industry, CIX’s decision to utilize AI for its teaser video has certainly turned heads. The debate surrounding whether it was BX or AI in the video may have been resolved, but the impact of this unconventional promotional move remains a subject of intrigue. As the album release date draws near, fans and netizens will be watching closely to see how CIX’s unique approach plays out in the ever-evolving landscape of K-Pop.

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