Colors AI: Empowering B2B Companies with AI-Driven Customer Insights Amidst Adversity

In the world of tech startups, success often comes with a fair share of challenges. For Colors AI, a company specializing in empowering B2B companies with Voice of the Customer (VoC) insights, their journey took an unexpected turn just as they were celebrating their first year out of stealth. The article delves into how the company’s management team, including CEO Doron Levy, CPO Alon Kichin, and CTO Saar Litmanovich, transitioned from the tech space to the front lines of a conflict, and the profound impact their product is making in the market.

The genesis of Colors AI

Doron, Alon, and Saar’s journey with Colors AI began at the Microsoft incubator, where they decided to establish a startup together. After engaging with numerous product VPs and conducting user interviews, they identified a critical problem – the challenge of quantitatively and measurably assessing customers’ needs in different segments. Their solution? Utilizing advanced Language Models (LLMs) to extract product insights from customer-company interactions.

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Addressing the need

The core problem that Colors AI tackles is the difficulty companies face in comprehending customer needs across diverse cohorts and segments. The platform offers several use cases, including providing objective evidence for decision-making, researching win-rate reasons, and delivering targeted push notifications based on product niches or interests.

Changing the market dynamics

Colors AI stands out by offering reactive analysis that eliminates the need for proactive client-facing documentation. Unlike competitors, they integrate customer feedback with business and product metrics, enabling precise analysis tailored to specific use cases like Win-rate and Churn. Their near-real-time data analysis allows companies to identify and address immediate customer pain points and opportunities during development sprints.

Market potential

The market for Colors AI is in a high-growth phase, with significant potential. The customer feedback and analytics sector, which the company operates in, is currently valued at $19 billion and is expected to grow at a robust rate of 15% over the next decade. Their primary customers are B2B SaaS companies with over 200 employees, dealing with substantial customer feedback volumes.

Product progress

Colors AI is not just a concept; it’s a reality already being used by large companies. It enables them to analyze customer conversational data seven times faster and with an 80% increase in accuracy compared to manual methods.


While there are competitors in the sector, such as Zelta AI, Cardinal AI, and Craft, Colors AI is positioned to lead in this emerging field.

Founders’ Expertise

Doron and Alon bring valuable experience with LLMs, having worked on SaaS solutions for B2B companies for two years. Saar, with a background as a former commander in Unit 8200, contributes his expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Utilization of Funding

Colors AI plans to allocate the funds from their current round primarily to Research and Development (R&D), with a focus on hiring data scientists, full-stack developers, and product designers.

Colors AI’s journey from its inception to becoming a significant player in the customer feedback and analytics space is a testament to the resilience and innovation of its founders. In the face of adversity, they not only adapted but also continued to thrive. With their unique approach and expertise, Colors AI is poised to shape the future of how companies analyze and leverage customer feedback, offering valuable insights to enhance customer experiences and drive growth in the B2B sector.

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