Crypto community backs Tornado Cash devs with $2.3M legal fund

Tornado Cash’s founders and developers are in the legal crosshairs, but the crypto community argues merely writing code shouldn’t be a crime.

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The crypto community has rallied behind the developers of former crypto mixing service Tornado Cash, who have been charged with money laundering, sanctions violations and operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business — with one already having been convicted and sentenced to jail.

Following the arrests of Tornado Cash co-founder Roman Storm and developer Alexey Pertsev, the crypto community came together to establish JusticeDAO, an advocacy group that aims to raise money for the arrested individuals’ legal defense.

The group has raised over 654 Ether (ETH), worth $2.3 million at publishing time, through a fundraiser called “Free Alexey & Roman” on the decentralized platform Juicebox. The fund also raised 70 ETH via the JusticeDAO page.

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