Crypto firm backed by real-world assets plans to go public this year

The publicly-audited company aims to launch a namesake cryptocurrency backed by its portfolio of real-estate assets and equity stakes.

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New York-based blockchain tech company Unicoin is aiming for a public stock listing and the launch of its own namesake cryptocurrency by the end of this year.

Having been in the industry since 2015, Unicoin is developing its own token whose value is intended to be supported by the company's real estate and equity portfolio. In an interview with Cointelegraph, Alex Konanykhin, CEO of Unicoin, explained that while the firm's real-world asset (RWA) holdings are helping to launch the project into fruition, they aren't tied to one another: 

Cointelegraph: Given the regulatory complexities associated with cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets, how does Unicoin navigate these challenges across different jurisdictions?

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