Crypto Investors in a Quandary: GLTM Presale to the Rescue

Some coins such as Terra Classic (LUNC) and FTX have lost investors millions of dollars given their failures. Yet, several others like GLTM have delivered investors from the precipice due to their very strong fundamentals. 

FTX was one of the greatest platforms for currency exchange for purchasing and selling cryptos, while LUNA continues as a public blockchain protocol and governance token users can avail to vote on proposals on Terra community. 

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However, what’s fascinating is that in crypto there is always the project that comes to save investors in the quandary – now, that’s GLTM. 


Terra Classic (LUNC) Unexpected Crash

Terra Classic (LUNC) was one of the largest cryptocurrencies in the last bull market with its price crossing $200 at one point. However, the process behind the digital asset would fail to lead to a deeper of the Terra Classic USD (USTC) stablecoin.

What followed was a freefall that saw both USTC and LUNC lose over 90% of their value. The result of this was billions of dollars of investor funds lost while founder Do Kwon went on the run. 

While Do Kwon has since been apprehended and held in Montenegro, the cryptocurrency has been unable to return to its past glory, now trading well below 0. This loss shook investors’ faith in the crypto market, leading to a significant crash in price.

FTX Disappoints Several Investors

FTX, then the second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume, filed for bankruptcy in November 2022 following a bank run triggered by a decline in faith in the exchange’s reserves. Following the bankruptcy, it came to light that there have been massive misappropriation and comingling of user funds, leading to a $9 billion hole in the balance sheet, of which about $7.8 billion has now been recovered.

The FTX crash only worsened the eroded faith that investors had in the industry and led to a decline in momentum. This translated to falling prices as Bitcoin fell to the $15,000 level.

However, the crypto market is starting to heal and recover as prices are rallying once more, and promising projects take center stage.

Why GLTM will be different!

Golteum (GLTM) a Web3 platform merging the upsides of varying asset categories such as cryptocurrencies and precious metals is the new darling of most investors. The decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol allows users to trade tokenized precious metals, eliminating the need to store the bulky physical versions which Golteum holds for them in vaults around the world.

The tokenization process Golteum takes on allows for high transparency conditions in their transactions with customers. Also, users can trade GLTM as well as other cryptocurrencies on the platform as well.

Asset-backed staking is provided by the protocol, where users can stake their tokenized precious metals to earn rewards.

Golteum has audited its smart contract with renowned blockchain security company Certik, who has also verified six members of the team, giving them the Certik silver badge.

Golteum (GLTM)Presale

A good strategy every average crypto investor is familiar with is to get into a coin during its presale(s). Presale 1 for GLTM was a great success, lasting only 48 hours with investors rallying up to exhaust the 32.5 million tokens that were offered at a $0.0074 per token price.

The second presale experienced a whopping 85% increase from Presale’s 1 rate within minimal time offering 55 million tokens but this time at a $0.012 price per token. Experts predict that in a short while GLTM will surge to $0.4 and could increase to $5 after launch and listing on large crypto exchanges.

The Boston Consulting Group has predicted that the tokenized assets would cusp at $16 trillion in 2030. No doubt, GLTM has compelling upsides that make it a favorite now.

You can keep your investment options open by jumping on GLTM Presale 2 when you can secure more at $0.012 a token and get a 15% bonus on all purchases. 

For more information about the GLTM Presale:





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