Cryptocurrency career prospects booming

Recent figures released from one of the world's largest freelance jobs site Freelancer has revealed that cryptocurrency-related employment is on the up. They reported an 82% rise in Bitcoin connected jobs (CNBC Report) in the third quarter, which is a staggering rise. This highlights just how popular Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital currencies have become. Designing new currencies leads the way Freelancer's findings show that premier among the new employment opportunities for freelancers within cryptocurrency is the design of new currencies. The continued move towards mainstream acceptance has not only allowed for more currencies to be produced to go alongside Bitcoin, but it has also led to increased demand to grow the industry at the rate it's moving. The launch of more ICOs is the main mover behind the slew of new currencies freelancers are being asked to produce by companies involved in the market. Cryptography also figures highly One of the founding aspects of many cryptocurrencies is that they are open source and so the Blockchain technology they are based on can be updated to create new versions of currencies. Within the cryptocurrency job market, this is another niche area that is becoming more and more popular. Skilled Blockchain developers are being sought out by companies eager to produce their own unique version of a cryptocurrency, or a new currency itself. Improved job quality Not only does working in this field mean people get the chance to do something they love, it also brings other perks too. Industry figures show that pay when working for a cryptocurrency firm is around 10% to 20% higher than the industry norm, but also the chances of remote working are greater too. All of this bodes well, not only for the future of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies but also for anyone wishing to work in the industry.

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