DeFi Platform ETFSwap (ETFS) Secures $750,000 In Funding To Bridge ETFs And Crypto

A crypto DeFi platform has emerged recently as a potential unicorn with a unique perspective. The platform, ETFSwap (ETFS), was created with the sole aim of bridging the gap between exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and the crypto world by tokenizing these ETFs as tradeable assets on the blockchain. 

Due to its unique proposition and immense potential, the ETFSwap (ETFS) platform has successfully secured $750,000 in funding from two institutional and three angel investors. 

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It is noteworthy that this funding did not come from Venture Capitalists (VCs), who usually seek to control a project after investing in it. By securing funding from individual investors, the project can remain independent and committed to achieving its stated mission.

ETFSwap Takes DeFi By Storm

ETFSwap (ETFS) is a visionary DeFi platform that leverages the power of blockchain technology to make ETFs accessible to all. Built on the Ethereum ERC-20 standard, this platform solves the centralization and convertibility issues that plague current crypto ETF platforms. 

It allows retail crypto enthusiasts to not only buy ETFs but also trade and invest in them seamlessly. To achieve its aim, it has developed several tools that make it the go-to platform for ETF-related activities.

One such tool is the ETF Screener, a search button that guides you in deciding which ETF is best suited for you. It also has the ETF Filter through which you can narrow down ETF choices by including specific search parameters. Another notable tool is the ETF leveraged trading tool, which offers you up to 10x leverage on your selected ETF trades.

Furthermore, the DeFi platform goes beyond offering just crypto ETFs. It also allows you to trade commodity ETFs (like Gold), market ETFs (like S&P 500), and fixed-income ETFs (like bonds and treasuries). This complete ETF ecosystem provides users with diverse opportunities to invest in government-approved financial instruments.

The Tokenomics Of The ETFS Token

ETFS is a deflationary token, built on top of the robust Ethereum (ETH) ecosystem, that allows users to benefit maximally from the ETFSwap ecosystem. There will be a total of 1,000,000,000 ETFS tokens, divided into 8 groups - presale, ecosystem, liquidity and listings reserves, team, incentives, cashback reserve, community rewards, and partners and advisors.

You use the token to pay for fees on the platform and get enticing fee discounts, and holding the token automatically qualifies you for automatic rewards from the 5% tax imposed on sellers. You can also stake the token to qualify for governance decisions and benefit from as high as 33% annual percentage yields (APYs).

Also, thanks to an audit performed by Cyberscope, the ETFSwap (ETFS) token has been pronounced completely safe and free of bugs and other vulnerabilities. This has put investors at rest, considering how chaotic the crypto world can be at times.

These use cases have led many experts to predict that ETFSwap (ETFS) will be one of the best-performing tokens of 2024. The wise ones are accumulating as many ETFS tokens as possible before it goes mainstream. How can you join this winning team?

Join The Biggest Crypto Presale Now

The first stage of the presale is live, and over 20 million tokens have been sold. Each token is selling at $0.00854 with an 18% bonus as the cherry on top. The price will not remain at this level for long though. When stage 2 starts, each token will sell for $0.01831 (an increase of over 100%). From there, experts have predicted it will keep flying and break through the $1 after the platform launches.

Thus, this is a token with a lot of upside potential. It’s an opportunity to latch on to a blue-chip project from its infancy and put yourself in a position for unprecedented financial gains. It starts when you buy some ETFS tokens.

For more information about the ETFS Presale:

Visit ETFSwap Presale

Join The ETFSwap Community

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the viewsof Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice. 


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