Delhi Prepares for Record Summer Power Demand with AI and Strategic Power Purchases

The sizzling temperature in Delhi during summer reaches its highest peak, with power demand soon to become a record-setting 8000 MW, reaching an all-time high. Among the distribution companies (discoms) having TRSES Delhi Distribution Limited and BSES Rajdhani Power Limited as its members, there are specified action plans that govern the interruption of electricity supply in Delhi. Employing the latest technologies, such as AI, tying long-term contracts like power purchase agreements is the state of the art for these interventions.

Anticipated power demand surge

The expected power demand peak, as forecasted by the State Load Dispatch Centre, will go up to 8,200 MW, setting new records against the previous highs of 7,695 MW in the 2022 year’s data and around 7,438 MW from the last year. TPDDL, in particular, plans to demand its maximum consumption to rise to 2,351 MW in the upcoming months from August 2023 at the level of 2,218 MW. Also, BRPL predicts that the highest demand in the South and West Delhi area will be nearly 26% higher than the demand of the previous years, which is 3679.6 MW.

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Consequently, as the power demand is to be met, discoms strongly adopt newer technologies to strengthen their energy management systems. The employment of AI and machine learning translates into more accurate predictions of power demand, which in turn will improve planning and power allocation. These recommendatory steps are necessary for the operation of the system of stable and reliable power supply during the summer months.

Strategic energy procurement and sustainability

Strategic power procurement and sustainability efforts can be a means to reduce costs and limit negative social and environmental impacts that are associated with traditional power generation. The DIsCons have contracted with neighboring states on a long-term basis to set up power generation plants and banking arrangements. 

Agreeing to power exchange through these agreements, where one adds to and the other subtracts from the power system, helps regulate the flow of electricity even at peak times. BSES, for instance, has signed off on the deal for around 670 MW of power at a bargained price. Sustainability also remains one of the strategies, as green power, which accounts for up to 2,100 MW, is utilized to meet summer follow. Conversely, it also links to broader environmental objectives, making people more reliant on non-carbon sources of energy.

Preparedness and consumer assurance

Notably, both TPDDL and BSES are doleful to have arranged elaborated summer action plans for the bombardment power demand. Consequently, the substation administration is planning for the component balance for extra people, mobile transformers, and fast response groups. Additionally, innovative solutions based on bilateral contracts, spending reserve electricity, power balancing, and energy storage till the duration of emergency would be provided in good time for the suitable customers.

TPDDL CEO Ganesh Srinivasan stated that TPDDL is gradually transitioning from reacting to incidents to being proactive, with safety measures and improved maintenance being critical factors in their reassuring journey. This exercise is a sign of the telecoms’ zeal to provide their about 50 lakh consumers who cannot be found in the service territories of either BSES or TPDDL with an uninterrupted supply.

Delhi is well on its way to breaking even the highest temperature records yet; demand for electricity in the city over summer is expected to reach the highest levels ever, prompting the city discoms to ensure everything is in place. By utilizing high-tech solutions and forward-looking power purchase agreements while still maintaining strong ecological standards, the capital territory is set to fulfill all its energy needs regardless of interruptions. Through these initiatives, the efficiency of power consumption is displayed, which can warrant a position model in other parts of the world that are facing similar problems.

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