Earn with Illuvium Beta 4 and Token Airdrop

Play to airdrop has had quite the buzz lately. In fact, it has become a meta in Web3 gaming. However, while play to airdrop does help attract attention, it does not solve the underlying issues. That is, if the players are solely playing for the incentives, then they will leave once it’s not worth their time and effort anymore.

But Illuvium Beta 4 is coming in very strong and has built a loyal community of players. Now it is incentivizing players who have participated in the Illuvium ecosystem with airdrops. With that, the private Beta release is also just around the corner with bigger airdrops.

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Image taken from official Illuvium twitter account: @illuviumio

On 14th April, a snapshot was taken by the Illuvium team to reward players who have stayed active in its ecosystem. This includes those who stakes in the ILV and Sushi liquidITy pool, Illuvium Zero land, IlluviDex traders, and Illuvitar holders.

What rewards is Illuvium giving?

The total reward pool for the loyalty members is 50000 ILV tokens. After this, a play to airdrop campaign will start after the launch of Beta 4. The beta’s testnet phase will be allocated 20000 tokens with an additional 180000 tokens for the mainnet beta open to all.

So, in total, 250000 ILV tokens have been allocated to the airdrops. If our calculations are right, that’s worth almost $23 million! If you’re wondering, the private beta 4 is starting on 30th April. But even if you are not able to make it, there’s a bigger mainnet beta coming later!

This story is sourced from Illuvium’s official X account.

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