Elon Musk in trouble over Trump Twitter records

Elon Musk’s recent acquisition, now rebranded as X but once widely recognized as Twitter, finds itself ensnared in legal controversies involving none other than former U.S. President Donald Trump.

A hefty $350,000 fine was slapped on X for its delay in responding to a covert search warrant relating to Trump’s infamous Twitter records. The evolving drama provides a window into the intricate dance of politics, business, and law.

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A timely request goes unanswered

Earlier this year, X received a clandestine search warrant from the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ). This was part of a broader probe examining potential disruptions to the peaceful transition of power following the contentious 2020 elections and the infamous January 6 Capitol incursion led by Trump’s advocates.

The directive from DoJ explicitly sought records and data from Trump’s @realdonaldtrump handle, which had served as his digital bullhorn, projecting his voice directly to millions.

However, in a turn of events, X allegedly missed the stipulated timeline, furnishing only a partial set of records by the deadline. The delay, as it turns out, wasn’t just due to oversight or inefficiency.

X attempted to challenge a gag order that stifled its ability to speak about the warrant publicly, claiming it violated their First Amendment rights.

A subsequent lower court verdict articulated that alerting Trump prematurely could jeopardize the integrity of the ongoing investigation. They feared it might grant Trump an undue advantage, including potential destruction of evidence or altering behavioral patterns.

Musk’s internal strains and external scrutiny

While Musk’s X grappled with legal complexities, internal tremors within the company were evident. Musk, whose acquisition of the platform amounted to a whopping $44bn last October, instituted significant workforce reductions, slashing numbers from 7,500 to approximately 1,500.

Such massive cuts, especially in compliance personnel, have set off alarm bells among global regulators. Musk’s decision to reinstate Trump’s Twitter account, post its suspension due to the January 6 disturbances, was another bold move.

Trump, however, hasn’t taken the bait yet. Instead, he’s channeling his energy into Truth Social, a competing social platform.

Donald Trump remains in the eye of a legal hurricane. The former President faced arraignment on multiple charges, including allegations of conspiring to defraud the U.S. and obstructing a government process.

The charges stem from the second case filed by the special counsel Jack Smith’s office. Smith, a choice appointee of U.S. attorney-general Merrick Garland, has been pivotal in spearheading investigations involving Trump.

His legal woes don’t end there. Earlier, in April, the Manhattan district attorney slapped him with charges related to falsifying business records.

Not one to be silenced, Trump continues his narrative of being the victim of a political vendetta. His stance is clear: all these legal tussles are nothing more than a politically motivated “witch hunt”.

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