Facebook, Instagram go down on Super Tuesday, take Meta stock price with them

The price for Meta had just hit an all-time record when its biggest social media was hit with a major outage.

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Meta’s (META) record-high share price tumbled after a massive outage hit Facebook, Instagram and other Meta apps as the business day began in the United States on March 5. 

The timing of the service failure could hardly be worse. March 5 is commonly known as Super Tuesday in the United States, as the Republican Party is holding 13 primary elections and two caucuses, and the Democratic Party is holding 14 primaries and a caucus in American Samoa. Meta’s social media could expect intensive usage on the day.

Reports that Facebook and Instagram were down began to appear around 3:00 pm UTC, or 10:00 am ET. According to Downdetector, nearly 498,000 reports were received of Facebook outages, peaking at 3:38 pm UTC, declining to 28,000 by 4:53 pm UTC.

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