Franklin Templeton raises hope for spot Solana ETF after lauding network

The trillion-dollar asset manager heaped praise for the Solana network in an X post, leading enthusiasts to hope a spot Solana ETF may eventually be on the cards.

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Trillion-dollar asset management firm Franklin Templeton’s recent praise for the Solana network on X (Twitter) has sparked new hope for a potential Solana exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the distant future.

In a Jan. 16 social media post, the asset manager’s official X account — which was temporarily manned by the firm’s digital asset team — said it was “impressed” by numerous developments in the Solana ecosystem under Anatoly Yakovenko’s leadership.

“We see Anatoly’s vision of a single atomic state machine as a powerful use case of decentralized blockchains, lowering information asymmetry,” Franklin said on Jan. 17.

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