Full decentralization will happen in a few years — Layer-2 rollup teams

Several layer-2 rollup teams, including those for Linea, zkSync, Arbitrum and Optimism, claimed that full decentralization is coming soon.

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Full decentralization of Ethereum layer 2s will happen in a few years, multiple teams told Cointelegraph in June.

The goal of decentralization has been held back by a variety of factors, including a desire to implement user experience and security improvements. However, progress is now being made toward decentralizing these networks, and “Stage 2” will be reached soon, the teams claimed.

The concept of “Stage 2 decentralization” refers to the final stage of Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin’s list of layer-2 decentralization milestones. It is also called “full decentralization,” as it would theoretically make censorship nearly impossible to perform on the networks.

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