In a groundbreaking development for the aviation industry, GE Aerospace introduced a revolutionary robot called Sensiworm (Soft ElectroNics Skin-Innervated Robotic Worm). This remarkably squishy, camera-equipped robot is poised to enhance aircraft safety by transforming how aircraft inspections are conducted. Sensiworm’s versatile capabilities, including crawling through engine gaps and curves, make it an invaluable addition to the field of aviation maintenance.
Sensiworm’s mission
A critical challenge in aircraft inspection lies in the limitations of existing equipment. For instance, video borescopes, commonly used for inspections, face constraints when examining entire engine turbines. Gravity naturally causes the tip of a borescope to settle, making it challenging to inspect certain areas within the engine. This limitation necessitates the disassembly of engines for a closer examination, which is time-consuming and costly.
Sensiworm, on the other hand, presents a game-changing solution. Its self-propelling design enables it to navigate engine components with agility, avoiding the need for extensive dismantling. This unique capability allows engineers to inspect every inch of a jet engine, providing live video feeds and real-time data on the condition of critical parts.
Deepak Trivedi, principal robotics engineer at GE Aerospace Research, emphasizes the significance of mini-robot companions like Sensiworm in the aviation industry: “With mini-robot companions like Sensiworm, service operators would have multiple additional sets of eyes and ears to perform on-wing inspections. With their soft, compliant design, they could inspect every inch of a jet engine, transmitting live video and real-time data about the condition of parts that operators typically check.”
While the current iteration of Sensiworm is focused on inspections, GE Aerospace envisions a future version of the robot that can also carry out repair tasks. This capability promises further streamlining aircraft maintenance processes and reducing downtime.
Collaborative innovation
The development of Sensiworm is the result of collaborative efforts involving various partners and stakeholders. SEMI Flex Tech, the US Army Research Lab, Binghamton University in New York, and UES, Inc., an Ohio-based R&D organization, have all instrumentally brought this innovative robot to life. Their combined expertise and resources have paved the way for Sensiworm to become a reality.
While the current Sensiworm operates tethered to a control system, there are plans to create an untethered version of the robot. This advancement will further enhance its mobility and autonomy, making it an even more effective tool for aircraft inspections and potentially, repairs.
The exact timeline for deploying the final version of Sensiworm remains uncertain. However, once it is ready for widespread use, it has the potential to become an indispensable safety tool for the aircraft industry, offering a new level of efficiency, precision, and cost-effectiveness in maintenance and inspection procedures.
Digging deeper into GE Aerospace’s robotic worm endeavors
Sensiworm is not General Electric’s first foray into the world of robotic worms. The company has previously ventured into developing similar technology, particularly in tunnel digging. This highlights GE’s commitment to exploring the capabilities of soft, compliant robotic systems for various applications.
GE Aerospace’s Sensiworm represents a transformative leap forward in aircraft inspection and maintenance. With its unique ability to access hard-to-reach areas within engines and provide real-time data, Sensiworm promises to enhance safety, reduce costs, and improve efficiency in the aviation industry. As the development of this remarkable robot continues, it holds the potential to revolutionize how aircraft are maintained and serviced, ensuring safer skies for all.