Gulf Binance receives nod from Thai Ministry of Finance for digital asset operation

Gulf Binance, the alliance between the global cryptocurrency exchange Binance and Gulf Energy’s innovation arm, Gulf Innova, recently secured a coveted digital asset operator license from Thailand’s Ministry of Finance. This major development sets the stage for the company to introduce a regulated crypto exchange and broker in Thailand, with a launch anticipated by the end of this year.

According to Binance’s Head of Asia, Europe, and MENA, Richard Teng, the partnership merges Binance’s unrivaled blockchain expertise with Gulf’s entrenched local presence and network. “Gulf Binance aims to showcase the full potential of blockchain technology to meet the needs of Thai users,” Teng explained. Gulf Energy, known for its significant investment in Binance’s US arm, is one of Thailand’s largest private power producers.

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Thailand warms up to cryptocurrency as emerging Asian crypto hub

Thailand’s regulatory landscape, which has slowly been warming up to the crypto industry, further cements its growing reputation as a rising Asian crypto hub. This year, regulators introduced a series of rules for crypto custody services, followed by a $1 billion tax break for companies issuing digital tokens for investment purposes. However, Thailand’s cautionary stance is evident in a 2022 ban on crypto lending, staking services, and restrictions on digital asset-related advertising, demonstrating its careful approach to overseeing this burgeoning market.

Gulf Binance’s license, regulated by Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission, marks a critical milestone for the country’s crypto journey. Also, it testifies to the nation’s commitment to blockchain technology and the crypto space, potentially laying the foundation for a thriving digital asset exchange.

The Thai billionaire Sarath Ratanavadi’s Gulf Energy, which collaborated with Binance for over a year to assess the possibility of launching a local digital asset exchange, further reinforces this commitment. The collaboration, initiated in January 2023, seems to be reaching fruition with the latest licensing announcement.

As Thailand treads a careful path between embracing crypto and ensuring investor protection, this new license for Gulf Binance highlights a significant step forward in its journey toward becoming a dominant player in Asia’s cryptocurrency landscape.

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