Has ChatGPT Lost its Mojo? Users Report “Lazy” Responses

ChatGPT is now causing frustration for many users. The AI chatbot, popularly known for its ability to complete tasks with ease, is now seemingly becoming “lazy,” according to the users. 

Over the recent days, there have been several complaints that ChatGPT now provide users with formulas and instructions to get some tasks done instead of actually doing the work itself – which is the sole purpose many people are paying for the tool.

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ChatGPT Prompts Users to do Their Own Tasks

In one instance, where a user asked the AI bot to extend some lines of code, it instead provided the user with a “pattern to include the remaining attributes” of the code. 

It’s worth noting that the issue happens mostly in the GPT-4 model. The strange behaviour has left users wondering what has happened to their once-reliable AI chatbot. 

Some speculate that a recent update to the underlying model may be to blame, while others believe that ChatGPT’s internal safety mechanisms are hindering its performance. Still, others point to resource constraints or even data bias as potential culprits.

Whatever the cause, the result is a clear decline in user satisfaction. People who once relied on ChatGPT to get things done are now finding themselves doing the heavy lifting themselves.

OpenAI Says a Fix is Underway

Last Friday, OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, acknowledged the issue and is currently working on the fix. 

“We’ve heard all your feedback about GPT4 getting lazier! we haven’t updated the model since Nov 11th, and this certainly isn’t intentional. model behaviour can be unpredictable, and we’re looking into fixing it,” the team posted on X (formerly Twitter), but have yet to release a timeline for a fix.

In the meantime, users who are unhappy with ChatGPT’s performance are resorting to some tricky prompt strategies to get the AI bot to do those tedious tasks. 

Recently, Cryptopolitan reported that many are now using emotional and reinforcement prompts to get ChatGPT to deliver better results. Some users have had to add lines like “take a deep breath,” “think step by step,” “I have no fingers,” “I will tip $200,” etc., to their custom instructions to bypass the laziness issue. 


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