Hong Kong court orders financial disclosures in Mantra Chain dispute

The court said the DAO’s financial details should be known to both sides as they hash out ownership and control issues.

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The High Court of Hong Kong ordered the disclosure of financial details of the operation of Mantra Chain in the dispute between Mantra DAO, Inc. and RioDeFi — its infrastructure host — and former RioDeFi employees who allegedly misappropriated funds and business from Mantra.

RioDeFi and Mantra took legal action against defendants John Patrick Mullin, William Corkin, Jayant Ramanand and Rodrigo Quan Miranda in early 2022, RioDeFi and Mantra co-founder Stéphane Laurent told Cointelegraph. 

In April 2023, the Hong Kong court ordered the defendants to disclose Mantra’s financial records from January 2021 to the present. That decision was made public on Aug. 12, when the judge released his “reasons for the decision.”

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