How A Solidity Audit Can Fortify Your Smart Contracts

As decentralized finance (DeFi) expands, the need for robust and secure smart contracts has become increasingly crucial. Solidity, the programming language used for developing Ethereum-based smart contracts, plays a pivotal role in the DeFi ecosystem. To safeguard the integrity and protect users’ investments, it is essential to conduct a thorough Solidity audit of your smart contracts.

A Solidity audit is a comprehensive review process to identify smart contracts’ vulnerabilities, bugs, and potential security risks. By subjecting the code to rigorous scrutiny, audits help ensure that the contract behaves as intended, minimizes the risk of exploitation, and protects user funds.

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This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide to preparing for a Solidity audit. Whether you are a developer or a project manager overseeing a smart contract’s development, following the steps outlined here will help you fortify your smart contracts and increase confidence in their security.

What is a smart contract audit?

A smart contract auditor is a skilled security specialist responsible for meticulously examining smart contracts, scrutinizing each line of code, and utilizing smart contract audit tools to verify their integrity. Their primary objective is ensuring the smart contract is implemented securely and accurately within a blockchain network.

These auditors possess a comprehensive understanding of coding and blockchain technologies, allowing them to evaluate and assess the code of others. By carefully analyzing the code, they can identify potential flaws, vulnerabilities, or loopholes that could compromise the security and functionality of the smart contract.

The role of a smart contract auditor goes beyond a simple code review. They delve into the intricate details of the contract, analyzing its logic, structure, and potential attack vectors. They can identify potential risks and suggest improvements to enhance the contract’s security by employing their expertise.

Auditors employ various tools and techniques to accomplish their tasks to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and potential security breaches. They utilize automated audit tools to assist in the process but rely on their manual inspection to ensure a thorough analysis.

Smart contract auditor plays a critical role in the blockchain ecosystem by providing assurance and confidence in the security and accuracy of smart contract implementations. Their expertise in coding and blockchain technology enables them to identify and rectify potential weaknesses, safeguarding the integrity of the blockchain network.

Structure of a smart contract audit

A comprehensive smart contract audit report encompasses various essential components. First, a disclaimer section clarifies that the audit does not create legal obligations or guarantee absolute security. The report provides an overview of the audited contract, highlighting adherence to best practices during its development. It outlines the attacks performed on the contract, ensuring its resilience against potential threats.

The report then categorizes vulnerabilities based on severity levels. Critical-level vulnerabilities, if present, are detailed extensively, focusing on significant flaws that could enable malicious actors to exploit the contract and potentially steal funds.

Although less severe, medium-level vulnerabilities are identified with limitations that can still impact the contract’s integrity. Low-level exposures are also mentioned, which have minimal impact on contract functionality.

Also, the report emphasizes a meticulous line-by-line inspection of the contract’s code. It includes in-depth analysis, identifying areas for potential improvement, and suggesting remediation to enhance security and performance.

By providing this comprehensive analysis, the audit report assists developers in understanding and addressing weaknesses within the contract, ultimately strengthening its robustness and reliability.

Why should you prepare to audit your smart contract?

Auditing smart contracts offers a range of benefits that contribute to the overall success and reliability of the contract. One of the primary advantages is the enhancement of security measures.

A thorough audit identifies potential security risks and vulnerabilities, effectively mitigating the possibility of hackers exploiting weaknesses and illicitly accessing assets. By addressing these issues proactively, audited smart contracts provide higher assurance and protection.

Furthermore, auditing helps improve the functionality of smart contracts by detecting and resolving potential bugs or errors in the code. This ensures the contract operates as intended, reducing the likelihood of unexpected behavior or execution failures. Audited contracts deliver a smoother and more reliable user experience by optimizing functionality.

The process of auditing also plays a crucial role in building user trust. Users are likely to engage with a smart contract that has undergone a comprehensive audit, demonstrating a commitment to security and reliability. Increased user trust translates into higher adoption rates and confidence in the contract’s performance.

Auditing also emphasizes the importance of accuracy in smart contracts. With automated execution, accuracy is paramount to ensure that the contract behaves precisely as specified. By thoroughly evaluating the code, auditors help identify and rectify inaccuracies, reducing the risk of unintended consequences or unsatisfactory results.

Moreover, auditing contributes to the overall reputation of the project or organization. By preventing security breaches and coding errors, audits protect against potential damage to reputation and establish a track record of reliability and commitment to best practices.

Auditing ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. It helps identify non-compliance issues, enabling necessary adjustments to adhere to applicable laws and regulations. This proactive approach helps prevent legal or regulatory violations, safeguarding the integrity of the contract and the organization behind it.

Tips for Preparing for a Solidity smart contract audit

Preparing for a smart contract audit is crucial to ensure a smooth and efficient process. Here are some tips to help you get ready:


The quality of documentation plays a significant role in how auditors assess a project. Insufficient or inadequate documentation is a common issue observed in many projects, which can have several negative implications.

First, auditors need more documentation to estimate the audit duration accurately. While some aspects of the contract can be deduced from the code, understanding the intent and intricacies behind confident design choices or business rules requires clear documentation. Without proper documentation, auditors must rely on guesswork or spend additional time seeking clarifications, leading to potential delays and inaccurate estimates.

Moreover, inadequate documentation can lengthen the audit process itself. Auditors may need to spend extra time deciphering the purpose and functionality of the contract, potentially leading to increased costs for the project or compromising the thoroughness of the audit due to time constraints. In such cases, essential aspects of the contract may be overlooked or not given the attention they deserve, undermining the quality and effectiveness of the audit.

On the other hand, comprehensive and well-structured documentation enables auditors to understand the contract’s purpose, behavior, and critical features more efficiently. It provides insights into the author’s intent and facilitates a smoother and more accurate contract evaluation. Clear documentation helps auditors quickly grasp the context, identify potential risks or issues, and provide valuable recommendations for improvement.

High-quality documentation is vital for a successful smart contract audit. It allows auditors to assess the project more effectively, estimate the audit duration accurately, and thoroughly examine the contract’s security, functionality, and compliance.

By investing time and effort into creating detailed documentation, project teams can streamline the audit process, enhance the quality of the audit, and ultimately ensure the reliability and integrity of their smart contracts.

Clean code

Maintaining a consistent code style is essential for smart contract development and the subsequent audit process. Consistency ensures the code is easy to read, understand, and review. Adhering to a standardized code style guide improves code quality and facilitates collaboration among developers.

Use stable and well-tested libraries for smart contract development when possible. These libraries have undergone rigorous testing and are less likely to have vulnerabilities or issues. By leveraging trusted libraries, you can enhance the security and reliability of your smart contracts.

Including helpful comments throughout the codebase is crucial for auditors to understand the intent and purpose behind the code. Comments should explain complex logic, essential considerations, and any assumptions made during development. Clear statements greatly assist auditors in comprehending the code and its functionality.

Utilizing NatSpec comments, a standardized documentation format for Ethereum contracts, is highly recommended. NatSpec comments provide detailed explanations and documentation for functions, return variables, and other contract elements. These comments enhance the readability of the code and provide comprehensive documentation that benefits both auditors and future developers.

During the audit preparation phase, addressing and resolving any TODO or FIXME comments in the code is significant. These comments often indicate areas that require attention or improvement. Resolving these comments before the audit helps to ensure that potential issues are addressed, and the codebase is more robust.

It is also advised to remove any commented-out code blocks. These blocks can clutter the codebase and make it harder for auditors to navigate and understand the functioning code. Removing unnecessary commented-out code makes the audit process more efficient, allowing auditors to focus on relevant and active code.

Run tests and analysis tools

Before undergoing a smart contract audit, it is crucial to run a comprehensive test suite to ensure the functionality and reliability of the contract. The test suite should cover various scenarios and edge cases, verifying that the contract behaves as intended in different situations. Additionally, it is essential to update the test code after every edit to ensure that it aligns with the latest changes in the contract.

Running automated static analysis tools on the contract code is another valuable practice. These tools help developers inspect the code and identify potential flaws, vulnerabilities, or malicious code that could compromise the security or integrity of the contract. By proactively analyzing the code for issues, developers can address them before the audit, reducing the likelihood of auditors discovering critical vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, ensuring that the contract compiles and executes without errors on the testnet, the network where the contract will be deployed. By deploying and testing the contract on the testnet, developers can validate its functionality and performance in a real-world environment. This step helps to identify any issues that may arise during execution and ensures that the contract performs as intended.

By conducting thorough testing, running static analysis tools, and verifying the contract’s execution on the testnet, developers can preemptively address common issues, freeing auditors to focus on more complex vulnerabilities and potential risks. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to quality and security while streamlining the audit process.

Although auditors will likely perform their automated analyses, taking these steps before the audit allows developers to identify and resolve glaring issues, ensuring a smoother and more effective evaluation. It also demonstrates a proactive approach to security and strengthens the overall quality and reliability of the smart contract.


Writing comprehensive tests is crucial for ensuring the reliability and security of a smart contract. Aim for a test suite that achieves 100% code coverage, meaning that every line of code is executed and tested.

When reviewing your test cases, it’s essential to identify gaps in the coverage. While it’s common to focus on validating the “happy path” scenarios, it’s equally significant to consider and test for undesirable actions or edge cases. These tests help ensure that the contract handles unexpected inputs or activities appropriately and fails gracefully instead of ending up in an undesired or vulnerable state.

To address these gaps, including test cases targeting potential vulnerabilities or attack vectors. Test scenarios that verify the contract’s behavior under different error conditions, boundary cases, or malicious actions are essential. For example, test cases can validate how the contract handles incorrect input, attempts at unauthorized access, or scenarios where external dependencies fail. These tests help uncover vulnerabilities and ensure the contract responds appropriately, protecting against potential exploits.

In addition to functional tests, it is also beneficial to include tests focusing on security-related aspects, such as checking for potential reentrancy vulnerabilities, ensuring proper access control mechanisms, and validating the contract’s handling of unexpected or malicious inputs.

Frozen code

It is crucial to complete the development of your smart contracts before initiating the audit process. Auditors require a stable and finalized codebase to conduct an adequate evaluation. At the beginning of the audit, auditors will verify that the code is “frozen” and request a specific git commit hash as the target for the audit.

Making changes during the audit wastes auditors’ time on outdated code and disrupts the audit process, potentially impacting the threat model and related code interactions. If your code won’t be ready by the scheduled start date, informing the auditors and considering delaying the audit is advisable to ensure a comprehensive and accurate evaluation.


Preparing for a Solidity audit involves several vital steps to ensure a smooth and practical evaluation of your smart contracts. It is essential to prioritize documentation, ensuring it is comprehensive, clear, and well-structured. Consistent code style, utilization of sound libraries, and helpful comments that explain the intent of the code enhance the audit process.

Running tests, including a comprehensive test suite with 100% code coverage, is crucial to validate the functionality and reliability of smart contracts. Reviewing test cases for gaps and including scenarios that cover undesirable actions or edge cases helps uncover vulnerabilities and ensure the contract’s robustness.

Utilizing automated static analysis tools to inspect the code and address any flaws or potentially malicious code enhances security. Checking the contract’s compilation and execution on the testnet ensures that it performs as intended in a real-world environment.

Additionally, ensuring that the code is frozen before the audit begins is vital to prevent wasting auditors’ time on outdated code and maintaining consistency throughout the evaluation.

By following these steps, you can significantly improve the readiness of your smart contracts for a Solidity audit. This proactive approach helps enhance security, reliability, and overall quality, ensuring that your smart contracts meet the highest standards and provide confidence to stakeholders and users.

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