How AI Program DerinGÖRÜ Reunited 1800 Quake-Impacted Children with Families

In a transformative application of artificial intelligence, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) introduces DerinGÖRÜ. This cutting-edge AI program has achieved a significant milestone by reuniting 1,865 children with their families, who were tragically separated in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that struck on Feb. 6. DerinGÖRÜ, implemented by the Family and Social Services Ministry, emerged as an indispensable tool in overcoming the challenges of identifying and connecting these displaced children with their loved ones.

AI reuniting families

Under the astute leadership of İbrahim Kürşat Ergüt, the venerable head of the Department of Orphan Services, DerinGÖRÜ emerged as an instrumental force amidst the throes of a profound humanitarian crisis. In a groundbreaking debut, this pioneering program showcased its prowess by meticulously tracing the whereabouts of 1,914 children whose familial connections were shrouded in uncertainty amid the tumultuous aftermath of seismic upheavals.

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Ergüt, a sagacious advocate of DerinGÖRÜ’s capabilities, underscored its pivotal role in enhancing their operational acumen. He eloquently expounded on how the program, through its innovative utilization, substantially fortified their capacity to swiftly juxtapose images and information, derive insightful conclusions, and disseminate vital intelligence with unparalleled efficiency to pertinent stakeholders. This, in turn, expeditiously propelled the intricate process of reuniting families, underscoring the indomitable impact of DerinGÖRÜ in navigating the labyrinthine challenges of the crisis at hand.

Impact on adoption and foster care

The implementation of DerinGÖRÜ not only facilitated the reunion process but also triggered a remarkable surge in adoption and foster family applications. Adoption applications soared from approximately 560 to an astonishing 70,000, while foster family applications witnessed a substantial increase from 669 to over 330,000. Ergüt emphasized that this surge was a direct result of the emotional toll the earthquakes took on individuals. But, as the initial heroic phase subsided, these numbers gradually decreased.

In response to the burgeoning influx, the Department of Orphan Services undertook a proactive approach, orchestrating the invitation of approximately 278,000 eligible individuals to partake in preliminary interviews. Astonishingly, the resonant call garnered responses from a formidable cohort, with over 84,000 individuals stepping forward—an eloquent testament to the robust societal dedication to bolstering the welfare of the afflicted children in question.

At the current juncture, a noteworthy total of 4,329 families have formally submitted applications, manifesting an enduring and unwavering commitment to assuming the role of foster families. This palpable manifestation underscores a sustained and commendable endeavor aimed at providing stable and nurturing homes for those imperiled by circumstances beyond their control.

Navigating with the compass of AI program success

As DerinGÖRÜ’s success story unfolds, it prompts a deeper reflection on the potential of AI in addressing critical humanitarian challenges. Can other nations learn from Türkiye’s innovative approach to harnessing technology in reuniting families in times of crisis? The application of AI in disaster situations may be a transformative force in the realm of social services. How can this groundbreaking initiative pave the way for future AI applications in disaster response and recovery on a global scale? DerinGÖRÜ’s impact extends beyond numbers; it is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of technology in the face of adversity, leaving us to ponder the uncharted territories AI can explore for the greater good of humanity.

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