How Sending Bitcoin Using SMS Can Fast-track Future Developments

Bitcoin, the revolutionary digital currency, has transformed the way we perceive and transact value. Built upon a decentralized technology called blockchain, Bitcoin transactions are predominantly conducted over the internet, leveraging the power of global connectivity. However, an intriguing question arises in a world where mobile phones have become integral to our lives: Can Bitcoin be sent using SMS (Short Message Service), the ubiquitous text messaging protocol?

Utilizing SMS for Bitcoin transactions brings forth a fascinating intersection between cutting-edge cryptocurrency technology and the age-old communication method that has connected people for decades. SMS has long been the go-to communication channel, providing instant and reliable messaging capabilities. But can it handle the complex and secure nature of Bitcoin transactions?

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This Cryptopolitan guide will explore the possibilities, challenges, and implications of sending Bitcoin using SMS. We will delve into the underlying mechanics of Bitcoin transactions, analyze the limitations of SMS, examine existing solutions and workarounds, and discuss the benefits and use cases of SMS-based Bitcoin transfers. Additionally, we will consider future developments and emerging technologies that may shape the landscape of SMS-based Bitcoin transactions.

Bitcoin Transactions and Network

To understand the feasibility of sending Bitcoin via SMS, it is essential to grasp the fundamentals of Bitcoin transactions and the underlying network.

Bitcoin Transactions

Bitcoin transactions involve the transfer of value from one party to another using Bitcoin as the medium of exchange. These transactions are recorded on the blockchain, a distributed ledger maintaining an immutable history of all Bitcoin transactions. Each transaction consists of inputs (sources of funds) and outputs (destinations of funds), and it requires a digital signature to validate the transaction and ensure its integrity.

The Bitcoin Network

The Bitcoin network is a globally distributed peer-to-peer network of computers, referred to as nodes, that collectively maintain the blockchain. These nodes communicate and propagate transactions and blocks across the network, ensuring consensus on the state of the blockchain. Miners, a subset of nodes, contribute computing power to solve complex mathematical puzzles, validate transactions, and add new blocks to the blockchain in a process known as mining.

When a Bitcoin transaction is initiated, it propagates through the network, reaching multiple nodes that validate its authenticity and adherence to the network’s rules. Once validated, the transaction is included in a block and subsequently added to the blockchain. This decentralized and transparent network architecture ensures the security and immutability of Bitcoin transactions.

However, the standard process of conducting Bitcoin transactions heavily relies on internet connectivity. Users typically employ digital wallets, which require an internet connection to interact with the Bitcoin network, create transactions, and broadcast them to the nodes. This internet-centric approach poses a significant challenge when considering the feasibility of sending Bitcoin via SMS.

While the underlying mechanics of Bitcoin transactions and the decentralized network remain constant, leveraging SMS for Bitcoin transfers necessitates innovative solutions that bridge the gap between the SMS protocol and the intricacies of Bitcoin transactions.

Challenges of sending Bitcoin via SMS

While sending Bitcoin using SMS may seem intriguing, it is essential to consider the various challenges associated with leveraging SMS as a communication protocol for transmitting sensitive financial data. Let’s delve into these challenges and explore the limitations of attempting to facilitate Bitcoin transactions via SMS.

Limitations of SMS

Character limit: SMS messages are typically limited to 160 characters per message. This poses a significant constraint when attempting to include all the necessary information for a Bitcoin transaction, such as transaction details, recipient addresses, and digital signatures. Breaking a transaction into multiple messages can lead to potential complications and increased vulnerability to errors.

Lack of encryption: SMS messages are not inherently encrypted, unlike modern messaging apps or secure communication channels. This means sending sensitive Bitcoin data, such as private keys or transaction details, through SMS can expose the information to potential interception and unauthorized access.

Reliability and delivery issues: SMS messages are subject to network congestion, delays, and potential message loss. This lack of reliability introduces risks when dealing with time-sensitive Bitcoin transactions, where prompt confirmation is crucial for successful transfers.

Security Considerations

Private Key exposure: Transmitting private keys through SMS poses a significant security risk. If intercepted or accessed by malicious actors, the private key can be used to gain unauthorized access to Bitcoin holdings. Ensuring the secure transmission of private keys via SMS requires robust encryption measures and careful handling.

Man-in-the-Middle attacks: SMS-based transactions are susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker intercepts and alters the transaction information before it reaches the intended recipient. This can result in unauthorized fund transfers or manipulation of transaction details, compromising the integrity of the Bitcoin transaction.

Confirmation and verification: Bitcoin transactions typically rely on real-time confirmation and verification from multiple network nodes to ensure validity. With SMS-based transactions, obtaining timely confirmations and verifications becomes more challenging, potentially prolonging transaction times and introducing uncertainties.

Overcoming these challenges requires innovative solutions that address the limitations of SMS while ensuring the security and integrity of Bitcoin transactions. 

Existing solutions and workarounds

Recognizing the limitations and challenges associated with sending Bitcoin via SMS, innovative solutions and workarounds have emerged to bridge the gap between the capabilities of SMS and the requirements of Bitcoin transactions. While these solutions may not directly integrate Bitcoin into the SMS protocol, they provide alternative methods to facilitate SMS-based Bitcoin transfers. Let’s explore some of these existing solutions:

Pony Direct proof-of-concept

Pony Direct is a proof-of-concept Android app developed by the privacy-focused wallet, Samoura that can transmit transactions to the Bitcoin network via SMS. Users can send their transactions by SMS using a known Pony Relay or allow their contacts to use their mobile number as an SMS relay. 

Pony Direct divides the Bitcoin transaction into several parts and sends them as multiple SMS messages. Since an SMS message is limited to 160 characters, several texts are sent with the initial message containing information on the number of messages to be received, the hash ID that must be matched at the end, a batch ID, a part of the actual transaction hex, and a sequencing number. Another SMS contains a sequencing number, batch ID, and more of the transaction hex; once the SMS messages are received from the same incoming number, the transaction is reassembled and pushed out to the Bitcoin network.

The proof-of-concept app is open source, with the code available on GitHub. While you can transmit Bitcoin transactions via SMS, you can also relay transactions to your mobile contacts using your number. This app is bound to aid significantly those in developing countries where mobile penetration has leapfrogged ahead of the developed world.


Samourai Wallet has collaborated with goTenna, a Brooklyn-based company specializing in off-grid communications, to produce txTenna, an Android app that combines mesh networking with Bitcoin transactions. The app will allow users to pair their phones with goTenna’s portable antennas to broadcast transactions.

goTenna produces consumer-grade hardware to facilitate mesh networking, which allows peers to connect directly to one another for routing packets, sidestepping the need to rely on an ISP or cell tower. This collaboration is part of a drive to make Bitcoin payments uncensorable and improve the robustness of the Bitcoin network.

When goTenna Mesh pairs with your phone, Samourai Wallet will prompt you to use the txTenna App to broadcast transactions over the goTenna Mesh network until it reaches an online txTenna user, up to three hops away. A Bitcoin full node that operates offline can send signed transactions and relay API data across the goTenna Mesh network, provided it’s connected to a Blockstream Blocksat receiver. Once an online txTenna user confirms these transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain, a confidential confirmation message is sent back to the originating txTenna user.


Machankura is a South African service that allows people to send Bitcoin peer-to-peer using their phone numbers on USSD, just like mobile money services that have become very popular in Africa. The service was built by South African developer Kgothatso Ngako and is named after a slang South African word for money.

Machankura has successfully launched in eight African nations – Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia – home to over one-third of Africa’s populace. This platform facilitates the redemption of Azteco Vouchers straight into a user’s Machankura wallet. Moreover, individuals without internet access can still claim Bitcoin from Azteco, bypassing the need to access the website. All they need to do is dial the USSD and add the Azteco Voucher “reference code” which is listed at the bottom of the voucher.

Benefits and Use Cases of SMS-based Bitcoin Transactions

While SMS-based Bitcoin transactions may have particular challenges and limitations, there are several potential benefits and use cases where leveraging SMS as a communication channel for Bitcoin transfers can be advantageous. Let’s explore some of these benefits and the scenarios where SMS-based Bitcoin transactions can be practical and valuable.

Accessibility and inclusion

SMS-based Bitcoin transactions can provide access to digital currency in regions with limited internet connectivity or where smartphones are less prevalent. SMS technology is widely available, even on basic mobile phones, making it a viable option for individuals who do not have access to internet-based Bitcoin wallets or dedicated apps. This opens up opportunities for financial inclusion and empowers individuals in underserved areas to participate in the Bitcoin economy.

Redundancy and resilience

SMS-based Bitcoin transactions can be a backup or redundant option when internet connectivity is unreliable or disrupted. SMS remains a relatively robust communication channel in natural disasters, network outages, or remote locations with weak or no internet access. By offering an alternative means of transacting Bitcoin, SMS can provide resilience and continuity in situations where traditional internet-based methods may be unavailable.

Enhanced privacy

SMS-based Bitcoin transactions can offer an additional layer of privacy compared to internet-based transactions. While SMS messages are not inherently encrypted, they are typically transmitted over cellular networks, which can provide a higher level of privacy compared to public Wi-Fi or internet connections. Additionally, SMS-based transactions may not require users to share personal identification information, providing pseudonymity for those concerned about privacy.

Offline transactions

SMS-based Bitcoin transactions can facilitate offline transactions, allowing users to initiate transactions without requiring real-time internet connectivity throughout the entire process. By leveraging SMS to transmit signed transaction data, users can create, sign, and broadcast Bitcoin transactions even in environments without continuous internet access. This offline capability can be precious in areas with intermittent or expensive internet connectivity.

Remittances and cross-border payments

SMS-based Bitcoin transactions can enable cost-effective and efficient cross-border remittances. By leveraging SMS as a communication channel, individuals can send Bitcoin to recipients in different countries, bypassing traditional remittance services and associated fees. This could streamline the process and reduce costs for remittance senders and recipients, especially in regions where conventional financial infrastructure is limited or expensive.

These benefits and use cases highlight the potential of SMS-based Bitcoin transactions to address specific challenges and provide alternative avenues for individuals to engage with Bitcoin in various contexts. While not without limitations, SMS-based transactions offer unique advantages regarding accessibility, redundancy, privacy, and offline capabilities.


Whether it is possible to send Bitcoin using SMS has led us to explore the intersection of decentralized digital currency and the ubiquitous SMS communication protocol. While SMS-based Bitcoin transactions come with challenges, they also present unique benefits and use cases that make them worthy of consideration.

SMS-based Bitcoin transactions offer a pathway to financial inclusion, enabling individuals in regions with limited internet access or basic mobile phones to participate in the Bitcoin economy. Moreover, SMS can act as a redundant and resilient communication channel during network disruptions, ensuring the continuity of Bitcoin transactions in adverse conditions.

As technology continues to evolve, we may witness the emergence of improved communication protocols, enhanced encryption methods, and innovative solutions that address the challenges of SMS-based Bitcoin transactions. The future may bring advancements that mitigate the limitations and further improve the feasibility and security of using SMS as a conduit for Bitcoin transfers.

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