How to Build Better Classic Websites for Minting NFTs

A new market for investors and collectors has emerged with the development of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs, or non-traditional technologies, are unique digital assets that represent things like artwork, music, films, and other digital content that have value to their producers and collectors. NFTs’ market value has increased significantly in recent years, and it is anticipated to do so from now on. A User-friendly interface and trustworthy security features are primarily necessary for building classic websites for minting NFTs.

Technical expertise and familiarity with blockchain technology are needed to build a traditional website for minting NFTs. The creation and management of NFTs can be made simpler by a number of platforms and tools, though. These platforms provide options like modifying templates, integrating with well-known blockchain networks, and processing payments securely.

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An easy-to-use design and user-friendly navigation are essential for a successful NFT website. Additionally, it must offer a safe environment for the transfer and storage of digital assets. It must also enable simple connections with well-known blockchain networks like Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

What are NFTs?

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a type of digital asset that represents ownership of a unique piece of digital content, such as art, music, videos, and other types of creative work. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and interchangeable, each NFT is unique and cannot be replicated or replaced.

NFTs are created using blockchain technology, which is a decentralized ledger that records all transactions and ownership changes. Each NFT contains a digital signature that verifies its authenticity and ownership, making it impossible to duplicate or counterfeit. NFTs are typically bought and sold on NFT marketplaces, which are online platforms that allow creators to mint and sell their own NFTs and collectors to buy and trade them.

NFTs have gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the art world, where digital artists are using them to monetize their work and gain recognition. One of the most high-profile NFT sales was the sale of Beeple’s NFT artwork “Every Day: The First 5000 Days” for $69 million at a Christie’s auction in March 2021. This sale marked a significant milestone for the NFT market, demonstrating the potential for digital art to achieve high value and recognition.

Key benefits of NFTs

  • Provenance and ownership: NFTs provide a unique digital identity and verifiable proof of ownership. This makes it easier to track ownership and provenance of digital assets, such as art, music, and collectibles.
  • Increased value: Since NFTs are unique and verifiably owned, they can be sold and resold on a digital marketplace, with their value increasing over time. This is because NFTs are rare and can represent exclusive ownership of a digital asset.
  • Fractional ownership: NFTs can be divided into smaller pieces, allowing for fractional ownership. This makes it easier for people to invest in expensive digital assets, such as art, which would otherwise be too costly to own outright.
  • Authenticity: NFTs use blockchain technology to verify the authenticity of digital assets, ensuring that the asset is the original and not a copy or a fake.
  • Royalties and revenue-sharing: NFTs can include smart contracts that enable the creator to receive royalties or a share of the revenue every time the NFT is sold or resold on a marketplace. This provides an ongoing source of income for the creator.
  • Decentralization: NFTs can be created and traded on decentralized platforms, which operate independently of central authorities or intermediaries. This provides more freedom and control over digital assets for creators and owners.

What is NFT Minting?

NFT minting is the process of creating and publishing an NFT on the blockchain for purchase. To mint an NFT, you need to set up a digital wallet and purchase cryptocurrency to cover the cost of the minting process. Once the NFT is published on an NFT marketplace, such as OpenSea or FTX US, it becomes available for purchase. Some marketplaces allow artists to set royalties to track sales after the initial purchase, which can help them gauge demand for their digital assets and create future products. However, minting an NFT involves risk as it’s uncertain how the asset will perform in the market. Whether you choose to participate in the NFT market by purchasing or minting an NFT depends on your personal risk tolerance.

Steps in Minting an NFT

Minting an NFT can seem like a daunting task, but with a little guidance and preparation, anyone can create and publish their own NFT. 

1. Choose Your Digital Asset

The first step in minting an NFT is to choose the digital asset that you want to turn into an NFT. This can be anything from a piece of artwork or a photograph to a video or a music file. It’s important to ensure that you have legal rights to the asset and that it is a unique creation. Once you have your asset, you can move on to the next step.

2. Create Your Digital Wallet

To mint an NFT, you will need to create a digital wallet that supports the blockchain on which you want to mint your NFT. Ethereum is the most popular blockchain for minting NFTs, and there are several digital wallets that support it, such as MetaMask and MyEtherWallet. Once you have chosen your wallet, create an account and follow the instructions to set it up.

3. Purchase Crypto

To mint an NFT, you will need to purchase cryptocurrency to cover the cost of minting your NFT. Ethereum is the most commonly used cryptocurrency for NFTs, so you will need to purchase some ETH. You can do this on a cryptocurrency exchange, such as Coinbase or Binance, by linking your digital wallet and purchasing ETH with your preferred payment method.

4. Choose Your NFT Marketplace

There are several NFT marketplaces available, such as OpenSea and Rarible, where you can mint and sell your NFT. Choose the marketplace that you want to use and create an account.

5. Connect Your Wallet to the Marketplace

Once you have chosen your marketplace, you will need to connect your digital wallet to it. This is typically done through the settings or account page on the marketplace. Follow the instructions to connect your wallet to the marketplace.

6. Mint Your NFT

Now that your wallet is connected to the marketplace, you can begin minting your NFT. This is typically done by clicking the “Create” or “Mint” button on the marketplace and following the instructions. You will need to upload your digital asset, set a price for your NFT, and create a title and description for it. You may also be asked to set royalties for the NFT.

7. Publish Your NFT

Once your NFT is minted, it will be published on the blockchain and available for purchase on the marketplace. You can promote your NFT on social media or other channels to increase visibility and attract potential buyers.

8. Monitor Your NFT’s Performance

After publishing your NFT, it’s important to monitor its performance on the marketplace. You can track the number of views, bids, and sales to see how it is performing. If your NFT is not selling as well as you had hoped, you can adjust the price or royalties to make it more attractive to buyers.

Building a classic website for minting NFTs

It requires a combination of technical knowledge and creative skill. Below are the steps involved in building a website for minting NFTs:

1. Choose a domain name and hosting service

The first step in building a website for minting NFTs is to choose a domain name and a hosting service. The domain name should be easy to remember and relate to the theme of your NFTs. A hosting service is needed to store your website files and make them accessible on the internet.

2. Install a content management system

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that allows you to manage your website content. Popular CMS options for NFT websites include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Installing a CMS is typically a one-click process with most hosting providers.

3. Choose an NFT plugin or platform: 

To enable minting NFTs on your website, you need to integrate an NFT plugin or platform. Some popular options include OpenSea, SuperRare, and Nifty Gateway. These platforms allow you to create, manage and sell your NFTs directly from your website.

4. Customize your website

 Once your CMS and NFT plugin or platform are installed, you can start customizing your website. This involves choosing a theme, designing your pages, and adding your content. The goal is to create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that showcases your NFTs.

5. Create your NFTs

After customizing your website, it’s time to create your NFTs. To do this, you’ll need to create digital assets that are unique and valuable. This could include artwork, music, videos, or other digital content. You can use software like Adobe Creative Suite or Canva to create your digital assets.

6. Mint your NFTs

 Once you have your digital assets ready, you can start minting your NFTs on your website. This involves uploading your digital assets to the NFT platform and configuring the details of your NFTs, such as name, description, and price. You can also set royalties, which will allow you to earn a percentage of each subsequent sale of your NFT.

7. Promote your NFTs

 With your NFTs minted and listed on your website, it’s time to start promoting them. You can use social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to reach potential buyers. You can also leverage the community of the NFT platform you’re using to connect with buyers and other NFT creators.

Examples of successful NFT websites for minting NFTs

Enjin (via JumpNet)

To mint NFTs through Enjin, you can use JumpNet, which is a public version of Ethereum’s blockchain. Enjin charges a small amount of its own token, Enjin Coin (ENJ), for minting. The cost of a single ENJ is around $2 currently, which means you won’t have to spend a lot to get started. JumpNet only charges minimal fees for minting, so you don’t have to worry about spending a large sum of money.

You can connect your Enjin wallet and transfer Enjin Coin between Ethereum and JumpNet blockchains for more convenient transactions. However, it’s important to note that JumpNet is more suitable for game NFTs than art NFTs, so you might want to consider a different platform if you’re interested in art-focused NFTs. Additionally, Enjin’s JumpNet is designed for minting ERC-1155 tokens, which are both fungible and non-fungible, rather than ERC-721 tokens, which are solely non-fungible.


OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace, launched in 2018. In 2019 and 2020, OpenSea saw modest growth in sales and market value. However, in 2021, OpenSea’s market value exploded, reaching a market cap of over $2 billion. This growth was due to the mainstream adoption of NFTs and the high-profile sales of digital assets such as Beeple’s NFT for $69 million. In 2022 and 2023, OpenSea is expected to continue dominating the NFT market, with increased competition from new players.


Rarible is a well-known NFT platform with a growing community section. Although it may not attract as much traffic as OpenSea, Rarible is a reliable option for creating and selling NFTs. One interesting aspect of Rarible is its “lazy minting” feature. Instead of instantly minting your NFT, this feature waits until someone decides to purchase it. This unique method of minting is not only more environmentally friendly but also cheaper for users. In fact, with Rarible’s lazy minting, you can even mint your NFT for free!

Proton Mint

looking for an NFT minting platform that doesn’t charge any gas fees, then Proton Mint is worth considering. It’s also user-friendly and affordable, making it an ideal option for beginners. Moreover, you can mint your first NFT for free on this platform. Proton Mint also offers support for several blockchains, including Ethereum, BSC, and Stellar, so you can choose the one that works best for you. If you’re interested in purchasing NFTs, the platform also has a diverse marketplace to explore. While connecting your wallet is an option, your choices are limited to Proton Wallet, Anchor Wallet, or WebAuth.

The BNB Chain

Binance is a popular and reputable platform that offers more than just crypto trading. The Binance Smart Chain, which is part of the BNB Chain ecosystem, enables users to mint their own NFTs effortlessly.

Numerous decentralized apps are available on the Binance Smart Chain to assist you in minting your NFTs, such as Bakeryswap and AirNFTs. Before you begin, you can review the available minting platforms to determine which one is the best fit for your needs.

Although minting with Binance Smart Chain is not free, the cost is minimal. Presently, the minting cost is only 0.022 BNB per mint, which amounts to roughly $6 (although this fluctuates frequently). As a result, you won’t have to pay a significant amount to mint your NFT via Binance Smart Chain, but some other platforms allow you to do it for free, as listed above.

Furthermore, Binance charges a 1% trading fee if your NFT is sold in addition to the minting fee. Although this may seem frustrating, unlike many other minting platforms, there are no gas fees on the Binance Smart Chain. Additionally, listing your NFTs on Binance Smart Chain’s marketplaces is completely free.

To mint NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain, you will need a software wallet like Metamask or Trust wallet. You can download Metamask and Trustwallet on your desktop or smartphone, and the process of getting started is simple, so don’t be concerned about this requirement.


SuperRare is a curated NFT marketplace that features high-quality digital art. SuperRare was launched in 2018 and saw modest growth in sales and market value in 2019 and 2020. In 2021, SuperRare saw a significant increase in sales and market value, with over $100 million in sales. In 2022 and 2023, SuperRare is expected to continue growing, with more high-quality digital art being added to the platform.

Nifty Gateway

Nifty Gateway is not just a popular marketplace for buying and selling NFTs, it also provides a platform for minting your own digital art. Although the platform charges fees for certain actions, it is completely free to mint an NFT on Nifty Gateway. Although gas fees are incurred during the minting process, the platform promises to cover these costs on behalf of the user, making it a cost-effective option for anyone looking to mint their own NFTs.

Market Value Graph from 2019 to 2023

The market value of NFTs can be visualized in a graph that shows the growth and fluctuations of the market from 2019 to 2023. The graph should show the market value of NFTs in millions of dollars and include markers for notable sales and events.

Total value of sales involving a NFT, Source: Statista 

The graph shows that the market value of NFTs was relatively low in 2019 and 2020, with most NFTs selling for under $100. However, there were some notable sales, including the sale of a CryptoKitty for over $170,000. In 2021, the market value of NFTs exploded, with several high-profile sales and celebrity endorsements. The sale of Beeple’s NFT for $69 million in March 2021 was a watershed moment for the NFT market. In 2022 and 2023, the market value of NFTs is expected to continue to rise, with more mainstream adoption and the launch of new NFT marketplaces.

Expectations from investing in NFTs in 2023

As we look ahead to investing in NFTs in 2023, it is important to note that the market has experienced a significant shift in the past year. While NFTs were once a hot topic with a rapidly growing market, the economy and crypto market downturn in May 2021 caused momentum to slow down. Additionally, increased regulations and government scrutiny have made the NFT world less of a “Wild West” and more of a structured market.

Investors who are interested in NFTs and conduct thorough research and due diligence will still find value in investing in them in 2023. However, we may see a decline in general interest in NFTs as the hype around them has waned. This can be attributed to the litigation that has arisen from investor losses, with class action lawsuits targeting exchanges, influencers, and celebrities for violations of securities laws in connection with their hyping of NFTs. We can expect to see more litigation and insurance coverage issues arise in the future.

Despite these challenges, NFTs are not going away. Instead, they will be viewed with a more cautious eye. The market will likely appeal more to specialized, niche collectors and those who are well-informed on the industry. As a result, we may see a shift in the cost of investment in NFTs, with prices potentially becoming more stable and predictable.

It is difficult to predict the exact rise in the value of NFTs in 2023, as it will depend on a variety of factors such as market trends, cultural shifts, and technological advancements. However, it is important to note that NFTs still hold significant value and potential for investors who are willing to navigate the market carefully. As the market becomes more structured and regulated, we can expect to see new opportunities and developments arise in the NFT world.

Factors Affecting NFT Market Value

The value of an NFT, like any other asset, is determined by a number of factors. While the quality of the artwork or content is undoubtedly important, there are other variables that come into play when it comes to NFTs. Here are a few factors that can affect NFT market value:


The scarcity of an NFT can greatly affect its market value. If an NFT is one-of-a-kind or part of a limited edition collection, it can be considered more valuable. This is because the rarity of an item can make it more desirable to collectors, leading to a higher price point.


Popularity is another important factor in determining the value of an NFT. If an NFT is associated with a popular brand, artist, or trend, it can increase its value. For example, the recent explosion in the popularity of crypto art has led to an increase in demand for NFTs in this space.

Creator reputation

 The reputation of the creator of an NFT can also impact its market value. If the artist or creator has a strong following and is well-respected in the community, their NFTs may be considered more valuable.

Historical significance

NFTs that hold historical significance can also be more valuable. For example, an NFT associated with a historical event or important moment in time may be considered more valuable due to its unique place in history.


The utility of an NFT can also play a role in its market value. If the NFT is associated with a particular use case or has additional functionality beyond being a simple collectible, it may be more valuable.


The timing of when an NFT is released can also impact its market value. If it is released during a time of high demand or hype, it may be more likely to sell for a higher price.


NFTs have created a new market for collectors and investors. Minting NFTs requires a classic website that offers an easy-to-use interface and reliable security measures. The market value of NFTs has exploded in recent years, and it is expected to continue growing in 2023. Investing in NFTs can be a lucrative venture, but it is essential to do thorough research and understand the risks involved.

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